How To Guess For New Year's Love

How To Guess For New Year's Love
How To Guess For New Year's Love

Since ancient times, fortune-telling on the eve of the New Year and within a few days after the holiday was considered the most truthful. At the same time, each representative of the weaker sex dreamed of finding out her future betrothed. Therefore, divination for love is considered the most relevant to this day. How to guess for love? There are several effective ways.

divination for the New Year for love
divination for the New Year for love

Fortune telling with matches

This type of fortune telling is considered one of the most accurate and at the same time simple. Fire has not only healing power, but also allows people to look into the future. For fortune telling, take a couple of matches, place them opposite each other. Do not forget to determine in advance which of the matches will symbolize you and your chosen one. Next, light both matches at the same time and watch them burn out. If, in the process of burning, the matches come close, then this is a sure sign that your feelings are mutual. If you reject one of the matches, be sure that the person does not have serious feelings for you.

Divination with a bow

This fortune-telling is suitable for those who want to find out about their future husband. For fortune telling, you will need several bulbs that will symbolize your chosen ones, existing at the moment. All bulbs should have the names of the men claiming your hand and heart written in pen. Then place the bulbs in the water by half and say the cherished phrase: "Onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?" Then leave the bulbs for a few days. The first sprouted onion will represent your husband.

Fortune telling on a comb

This type of fortune-telling was often used by our grandmothers, as it allowed them to see their betrothed in a dream. For fortune-telling, an ordinary comb is used, which must first comb the hair before going to bed and put it under the pillow, while saying: "The betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up." According to popular legend, your future husband will come to you in a dream. Do not forget that you should not tell the dream to anyone. Otherwise, fortune telling may lose its power.

Fortune-telling for love is one of the ways to penetrate the secrets of your future. The best times for divination are New Year's Eve and Christmas.
