Aquarius is one of the most mysterious, and therefore attractive to others, signs of the zodiac. Such famous people as Vanga, Grigory Rasputin, Jules Verne, Vladimir Vysotsky and Mozart were born under this sign.

The characteristic features of those born under the sign of Aquarius are stubbornness, perseverance in achieving their goals and steadfastness in their convictions. They slowly and surely go to the heights that they want to reach, while not showing others, and even the closest people, their unique wisdom and independence. The element of the sign Aquarius is air. Belonging to it determines the main character traits and characteristics of behavior, success and strong positions in the world around.
Features of the air element of Aquarius
Together with Aquarius, Libra and Gemini belong to the air element. All three signs are characterized by such character traits as a lively, sociable character, the ability to joke easily and sparklingly, a sharp mind and some secrecy that is difficult for others to notice. Under the guise of a merry fellow and a joker, they often hide cold calculation and self-confidence. Being very high in their thoughts above representatives of other elements, Aquarians live in a world of reasoned logic and a clear understanding of what is happening. Representatives of the air clearly plan all their affairs, they always know what exactly will happen tomorrow, what became the reason for success or failure, where this or that mistake was made. And most importantly, they always know the correct answers to all questions, in any case, they are firmly convinced of this.
Pros and cons of the air element
The pluses of the character of the representatives of the air element include prudence and adaptability to any life situations. They easily enter a new team and are always ready to help others. Aquarians are able to act as a judge or arbiter, impartially assess the situation and resolve any dispute. But the air and light Aquarius have enough minuses - this is excessive love of freedom, stubbornness and self-confidence, self-will, love of deception and exaggeration.
Compatibility with other elements
Aquarians get along well with representatives of water and earth, that is, with Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio. Such relationships, whether it be marriage or just friendship, are long-term, they are not burdensome and not burdensome for both parties. The fire element (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) simply needs air, it cannot exist without it. Such a union weighs on Aquarius, literally strangles him and does not allow him to develop. The love of freedom of Aquarius can not stand the neighborhood with Fire and shuns it. The result is an eternal struggle, and it is not possible to achieve at least some kind of balance.