The manufacture of a hang glider is a must for those involved in this sport. Consider the most affordable way to make a classic hang glider.

It is necessary
Metal tubes for the frame, cables, durable canvas, 2 wheels
Step 1
To make it, you will need several basic parts: a frame, a cable stretch and sheathing. It is also advisable to use removable wheels and an anti-dive device. The diameter of the pipes for the frame and the quality of the metal are of great importance, since it is necessary that it be strong enough and relatively light for free lifting into the air. The final result and the flying ability of the apparatus depend on the connection of the pipes.
Step 2
It is necessary to correctly calculate the number and certain places of the connectors, since the strength and total weight of the structure depend on this. The lateral and keel tubes must be connected in the bow area, which will provide the hang glider with streamlining. A mast should be attached to the top of the central node, which also serves as a support for the cables. The lower part of the unit is designed to accommodate the steering linkage.
Step 3
The side unit of the base of the hang glider is a forked structure, since the units and connections are placed separately to exclude the pipe joint and aerodynamics. The steering system is an interconnected sidewall and a handle for easy grip.
Step 4
The cable system is located in various nodes, due to which the reliability of fastening and adjustment of the hang glider control is ensured. It is very important to select cables of high quality and strength in order to avoid the possibility of the carabiner breaking and unhooking.
Step 5
The hang glider skin is more of an aesthetic part of the structure. The main requirements for the material are the ability to withstand the aerodynamic load during flights, and a low probability of deformation of the frame. As a rule, sailcloth meets these requirements.
Step 6
Thus, a responsible approach in the manufacture of a hang glider and the choice of quality parts will allow you to get an excellent hang glider that will meet all safety requirements for human health and life, and will allow you to get a lot of pleasure from practicing your favorite sport.