How To Make A Glider

How To Make A Glider
How To Make A Glider

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As a child, each of us probably fired paper airplanes from the balcony or a match with a paper "screw" on top, which played the role of a small helicopter. These are such simple crafts that they could be made in just a couple of minutes, but how many sensations they gave the children. Let's remember our childhood and make a small glider.

Making and launching a toy glider will brighten up a rainy evening
Making and launching a toy glider will brighten up a rainy evening


Step 1

Let's take several matches, cut them and fold the fuselage of the future glider out of them. We glue the matches with thin (for example, tissue) paper to hold. We cut out the wings of the required shape, the keel and the stabilizer from thick paper. We put everything in place (like a real glider), if necessary, attach a piece of plasticine to the plane so that it does not tumble in the air.

Step 2

Unfortunately, the possibilities of such a glider made of paper and matches are very limited. All such models fly at low speed and with descent. They behave capriciously in the air and require preliminary adjustment. Installing a motor (such as a rubber motor) will change the situation for the better, having a beneficial effect on speed. However, you will have to re-adjust the glider in this case. Better to make an improved glider model with a motor that can fly on its own.

Step 3

Such a model can be made in no more than half an hour. We take a match, which will play the role of a glider fuselage, make small indentations on both sides of the match. In them we will then insert the rear hook and the front screw bearing, which can be made of soft wire. Such a wire can be taken from a damaged resistor by tearing off its "legs".

Step 4

Wrap the joints of the wire screw and the hook with the fuselage-match with a thin thread and glue it with Moment glue. Then they can be inserted into a match. We will make the screw with a knife, having properly planed a small strip 45 mm long, 4 mm thick and 6 mm wide. Let's skip the wire axle strictly in the center of our screw, and bend the end of the axle with a hook for the rubber motor.

Step 5

It remains to make and put on our glider and the rubber motor itself. To do this, you need to pull out a couple of threads drawn from a regular linen elastic, twisting them 100-120 turns. We put the "motor", hooking it over the hook and screw. The glider is ready, now you can launch it. And he will fly at a pretty decent speed.
