Everyone knows how to assemble a simple paper airplane, but not everyone knows that paper can be used to fold not only ordinary airplanes, but also gliders that can fully fly. It is not difficult to glue a glider out of paper - in addition to paper parts, you will have to use additional wooden slats. A glider of this design consists of a wing, fuselage, keel, stabilizer and weight for balance.

Step 1
Prepare the materials - you will need a thick sheet of paper, a ruler, scissors, pine slats 200x3x2, 5 mm, as well as felt-tip pens and PVA glue. To draw the details of the airframe, draw a grid with a cell side of 10 mm and overlay a pattern of the details on the grid.
Step 2
Then transfer the life-size mesh onto a piece of thick paper, copy the outlines of the parts and cut them out with scissors. Paint the details, and then take the fuselage rail and mark on it where the stabilizer, wing and keel are located.
Step 3
Glue the weight for balance to the nose of the fuselage, and then carefully glue the remaining parts, making sure that the model does not skew when gluing, and maintains a straight and neat appearance.
Step 4
Glue the wing to the fuselage, install the stabilizers. Glue the details along the pre-marked marks and lines to avoid asymmetry and distortions.
Step 5
Wait until the glue is completely dry, and only then start testing the finished glider in a calm room atmosphere. Raise the glider with outstretched hand and launch it with a slight push, pointing slightly downward.
Step 6
Watch the trajectory of the glider - if it starts to dive, bend up the trailing edges of the wing and keel, and also reduce the weight. If the model takes off sharply upwards, after which it begins to fall down just as sharply, make the load heavier. A properly made glider should fly in a flat trajectory for several meters.