How To Build A Hang Glider

How To Build A Hang Glider
How To Build A Hang Glider

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"Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." But at all times there were people who wanted both flight and happiness. And some of them succeeded! One of these people was the genius Leonardo da Vinci, who designed the world's first hang glider. And if the master managed to do it even in the 15th century, why don't you make your dream come true now?

How to build a hang glider
How to build a hang glider

It is necessary

Aluminum tubes, synthetic fabric, bird skeleton, a book about tasty and healthy food


Step 1

First, think about your weight. Remember, the lighter you are, the more likely you are to hang glider and enjoy a pleasant flight. If you have cellulite and a beer belly, open the book on delicious and healthy food and choose a low-calorie daily diet for yourself. Before the flight, you should lose a couple of kilograms.

Step 2

Take the bird's skeleton and carefully examine its wings. Leonardo built his drawings by studying the structure of the bird's wing. Carefully redraw the location of the bones, carefully observing their bends.

Step 3

The great Leonardo made his hang glider from the materials available to him in that era - wood and homespun canvas, which caused some difficulties. If not for this, the era of the conquest of the sky by man would have begun 500 years earlier. Let's not repeat his mistakes and immediately start using lighter materials. Take aluminum tubes, cloth and construct a miniature hang glider by looking at your drawing. The role of bird bones will be played by aluminum, and canvas will be stretched instead of feathers.

Step 4

Now send your little hang glider flying! Watch carefully how it hovers, whether it falls on its side. If you did everything correctly, and the hang glider flies beautifully and smoothly, you can proceed to the main thing.

Step 5

Redraw your drawing, enlarging it 10 times. And get to work again - aluminum tubes-bones and fabric, due to which your glider will soar.

Step 6

It remains to choose a name for your brainchild, because as you name the hang glider, so it will fly. Good wind to you!
