How To Build A Glider

How To Build A Glider
How To Build A Glider

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All of us, at least once in our life, made a simple paper airplane from a newspaper or a notebook sheet and let it fly free. It hardly occurred to us then that we had built a primitive glider, which cannot really fly. But what if you make a real glider, for which the sky will become a native element?

How to build a glider
How to build a glider


Step 1

The model is called "Titmouse". Draw up a working drawing first. Fuselage "Titmouse" consists of a 700-mm rail with a section in the front part of 10x6 and at the end - 7x5 mm. You will need a weight in the form of a pine or lime plank 8-10 mm thick and 6 cm wide. Cut the weight with a knife, and then file the ends of it with a file and emery cloth. Then you can start making the wing. Its edges have a cross section of 4x4 mm and a length of 680 mm.

Step 2

The end curvatures for the wings are made from aluminum wire D 2mm or from pine slats with a cross section of 4x4 mm and a length of 250 mm. To allow the slats to flex freely, soak them in hot water for no more than minutes. For making rounds, use tin, glass jars or bottles of the selected diameter. After steaming, tightly bend the slats around the can, and tie the ends together. Put the made slats to dry.

Step 3

There is another way to bend the slats - with the help of nails. Draw the desired rounding on a sheet of paper and lay out the drawing on the board, after which you drive nails along its contour. Next, tie a steamed rail to the extreme stud and start bending it.

Step 4

Tie the ends of the slats together and leave them to dry completely. The ends of the bent slats are connected to the edges according to the "mustache" principle. This is achieved by cutting the ends three cm apart. At the junction, apply glue and wrap with thread. Bend the ribs for the wings on a special machine. Check the accuracy of the assembly after each operation by superimposing on the drawing. Check the wing visually from the end. It should not have any extra protrusions and "humps".

Step 5

After the glue has dried, you need to give the wing a slight angle. To do this, first soak the bend with water, and then gently heat it over the flame. Be sure to check the angle with the drawing. The wing attachment consists of 2 V-shaped struts made of steel millimeter wire and a 140-mm pine plank with a section of 6x3 mm.

Step 6

Fasten the braces to the edges with glue and thread. To make a stabilizer, you will need two 400 mm slats and one of the same keel slats. Bend the slats in an already known way - first by steaming, and then bending with a can of D85-90 mm.

Step 7

Use tissue paper to cover the model. First, glue the stabilizer and wing on top, and then on both sides of the keel. It remains to put everything together. Put the stabilizer on the rear end of the fuselage rail and wrap the ends of the connecting strip and the rail with an elastic band.
