Permanent magnets are widely used in various fields of science and technology. Devices such as computer hard drives, acoustic systems, and finally, such an ancient means of navigation as a compass, are impossible without the use of permanent magnets.

Technically, permanent magnets are made from special alloys, which are also sometimes called ferroalloys. With magnets, you can conduct entertaining experiments, and even tricks. In fact, you can make a magnet from any metal object, even at home, by magnetizing it.
- The simplest way. A magnet can be made using a strong permanent magnet, for this, a permanent magnet must be held several times over the magnetized object in one direction. Such a magnet will retain its properties for a short time, and its magnetic field will be rather weak. However, in this way you can, for example, magnetize a screwdriver so that the small screws are attracted to it. This can simplify the process of repairing a device.
- Magnetizing with a wire, which is used to make transformers and electromagnets, and then connect it for a short time to a battery or accumulator with a voltage of 5-12 volts, then the electromagnetic field will magnetize the metal object inside our coil.
Magnetization by current from the mains. You can make a magnet stronger or restore the lost magnetic properties of a magnet made by an industrial method if you use the following method. First, we perform the actions described in the previous method, with the only difference that the turns on such a coil need to be wound about 2-3 times more, that is, 400-600 turns.
You will also need a fuse with a current limit of 1-1.5 Ampere and a regular power plug with wires. Next, you need to connect the coil and the fuse in series. When this structure is connected to the network, the fuse will burn out, but a strong electromagnetic field will have time to magnetize the metal inside the coil. Use extreme caution when using this method, as you will have to work with life-threatening voltages.