Good imagination and appropriate costumes are not enough to play pirates. To recreate the atmosphere of adventure and intrigue, you will need props. You can do it yourself. For example, glue a treasure chest out of cardboard sheets.

Step 1
Choose your craft material. It must be tough enough to keep its shape. Make a drawing of the future chest without a lid. To do this, you need to draw a flat pattern of the parallelepiped. Its dimensions depend on how large the chest you want to glue. Make a drawing from a rectangle for the back of the chest, a square for the side, and add two more of the same shapes for the front and side. All figures must touch their sides. Attach a rectangle for the bottom to the bottom edge of the front wall. Provide it with valves on all three sides. Draw them in stripes 2-5 cm wide and cut off the corners.
Step 2
Make a drawing of the cover. You can duplicate the flat pattern by decreasing its height. If you think the pirate chest should have a round lid, draw three separate pieces. Draw the upper part as a rectangle. For the sides, draw a circle with a diameter equal to the width of the chest. Divide the circle in half and draw flaps on the arc of each half. Cut out all the details. Press the folds along the inside with a ruler and pencil. Lubricate the valves with glue and connect the parts of the chest. Attach the cover with a strip of paper.
Step 3
To make the chest look like a real one, cover it with scrapbooking paper, which depicts the texture of the tree. Also for these purposes, you can use a self-adhesive furniture film with the same print.
Step 4
Insert the lock brackets made of wire into the cover and front wall. After that, the inside of the chest can be decorated with foil, paper or cloth.
Step 5
Draw a pirate symbol in the center of the lid. Close the chest with a real lock. Choose one that is not very large so that the wires do not buckle under its weight.
Step 6
A small chest can be made from salt dough, clay, or plastic. To do this, you need to cut rectangular walls, connect them together. On the surface of the craft, use a stack or a toothpick to squeeze out the borders of the boards from which the chest is made. Paint the dried toy with acrylic paints and varnish.