The mere mention of pirate maps can stir up the minds and imaginations of romantic natures. If the magic of these magic words does not work on you, then perhaps you have never held these same pirate cards in your hands. Well, this case is fixable. You do not have to leave your own home to go sailing in search of sunken pirate ships. And you don't have to go to the navy museum hoping to see an old pirate map there. Everything is much simpler. We'll make pirate maps ourselves!

It is necessary
Paper, colored pencils, a book about pirates for inspiration, an oven, an old oilcloth, rope, cake, chocolate icing
Step 1
Use paper and colored pencils to make a pirate map of the lowest difficulty category. Draw a mysterious island. Give it a sonorous name, maybe a fictitious one, for example, Dead Man's Island with a Chest. And you can name the island in someone's honor, for example, Captain Flint's Island. (In general, it would be nice to re-read something from the world literature on the relevant topic). Map a grid of meridians and parallels. Indicate the cardinal points. Use a red pencil to mark the place where the pirates buried the treasure.
Step 2
Next, draw on the map special signs by which you can navigate the terrain in order to find the treasure. For example, a large prickly cactus. Or the abandoned grave of a nameless pirate. But you never know what else. On the back of the map, write down the points how to find the treasure. For example, there may be such a clause: "The place where the treasure is buried will indicate the end of the shadow from the grave cross when the sun is at its zenith" (ie at noon). And don't forget to add the skull and bones!
Step 3
Then you need to take the card well, mash it and … bake in the oven for five minutes until fully cooked. The edges of the card will be covered with a unique tan, which will immediately make it two hundred years old. And the texture of the paper will change - it will become brittle and fragile, like real old paper. If, through someone's negligence, the card crumbles to dust, do not worry - this is the fate of many pirate cards. Let the thought that you remember the cherished plan of the island and now you are the only guardian of the secret of the treasure can comfort you.
Step 4
To make a pirate map of an increased level of difficulty and durability, take an oilcloth from your country kitchen table, turn it upside down and you will see how time has tried to prepare you an ideal basis for creativity. Draw a map similar to the one described above, but with more details. Rub the front side of the oilcloth thoroughly with sandpaper, you can until the holes to age it. You do not need to bake the card in the oven. It is enough to roll it into a roll, tie it with a rope and you can store it in your grandmother's chest, removing it from there on big pirate holidays.
Step 5
For the biggest pirate holiday, you can make a sweet pirate card. Let the pirate's mother or grandmother bake a cake, and draw a card with a cross on its surface with chocolate icing. Needless to say, a very edible treasure will be hidden under the cross in the cake - a berry, candied fruit or a nut. Such a card is better than others in order to eat it and keep the place of the pirate treasure a secret.