For a carnival or New Year's party, the girl can be dressed up in an original pirate costume. To create such a costume, you will need to get an old vest, high boots, wide-brimmed hat and other accessories from the pantry.

What do you need for a pirate costume?
If you want to create a pirate costume for a girl with your own hands, you will need to focus on the worn and negligent things. Pirates are brigands and their clothes cannot look neat. If desired, you can use fringe and leather elements in the suit. True, then you will sew a suit for a long time. But making a simple pirate costume does not take much time.
It would be good to prepare a T-shirt or shirt, a wide skirt or trousers in advance, as well as a dye for fabric and a lace.
Creation of an original costume
If you have a vest, you can make a pirate costume in just a couple of minutes. For example, it can be supplemented with leggings or shorts, breeches or bermudas.
If the vest is not at hand, you have to dream up a little. Take a regular white T-shirt and make cuts on it in the neck area and along the bottom of the product. Be sure to ruffle the seams. To transform a regular T-shirt into a vest, you need a special dye. Draw blue stripes on the shirt yourself - and the vest is ready. Even a pattern is not required in this case.
Don't have a T-shirt, but have a shirt? She will also make a great pirate costume. Cut off the collar and cuffs, and make several cuts at the bottom. Sleeves that are too wide can be draped if desired. Also punch holes in the collar area and thread the lace through them. A short vest can be worn over such a pirate shirt. To complement the pirate costume, take wide-leg pants. The bottom of the legs will need to be processed in such a way that the edges are as careless as possible. It's good if the pants are striped.
The pirate costume will look unfinished without additional accessories. A bright headband or a triangle hat will be great headdresses that can complement a festive outfit. You can use a variety of earrings and rings, brooches and metal chains to add a special piquancy to your look.
And of course, you can't do without weapons. Draw the outlines of the blade and hilt on a piece of cardboard and cut them out with a knife. Wrap the handle with electrical tape, and the blade with silver foil. To imitate inlaid with precious stones, the handle can be pasted over with rhinestones or bright buttons.