How To Make Paper Old

How To Make Paper Old
How To Make Paper Old

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For decoration work, you may need sheets of aged paper. On such paper, you can print a photo on a printer to make it more original. On old sheets you can make cards or invitations, write a menu for a festive dinner on them.

How to make paper old
How to make paper old

It is necessary

  • Tea-brewed paper.
  • - a sheet of white paper for the printer
  • - black tea for brewing (10 teaspoons)
  • - hot water (500 ml)
  • - wide flat basin
  • - wooden pastry board
  • - French press or teapot
  • - fine-grained sandpaper
  • Aging paper sheets with coffee.
  • - ground coffee (5 tbsp. l)
  • - boiling water (500 ml)
  • - wide basin
  • - white printer paper
  • - French press
  • Cream aging.
  • - cream (10% or 22%)
  • - wide brush
  • - a sheet of white paper for the printer
  • - candle


Step 1

Tea-brewed paper.

Put tea leaves in a French press, pour boiling water over it. Let the infusion brew well, acquire a rich color. Squeeze the tea leaves and pour the tea leaves into a bowl. Rub a dry piece of paper with sandpaper. Put the prepared leaf in the tea leaves for a couple of minutes. The sheet must be completely submerged in the liquid. Take out the sheet and place it on the board. Sweep a hot iron over it to dry, then iron.

Step 2

Aging paper sheets with coffee.

Pour boiling water over the coffee in a French press. Let it brew. Empty the coffee into a bowl. Wrap the edges of the dry white sheet and place it in the coffee. Hold the sheet in the solution for 1 - 2 minutes, make sure that the paper does not sour. Remove carefully and place on a flat surface. Soak a sponge in a bowl of coffee. Blot the sheet while it is still wet with a sponge so that more saturated streaks or drops remain on it in places. Dry with a hot hair dryer or iron.

Step 3

Aging with cream.

Place a piece of paper on a hard surface. Scratch it with a thick sewing needle or rub it with sandpaper. Dip the brush into the cream and paint over the entire sheet. Flip it over. Repeat the operation with the back side of the paper. Light a candle and hold the sheet over it. Be careful not to put paper close to fire. The milk protein will curdle from heating, the leaf will turn yellow, and even darker stains will appear in frayed or scratched areas.
