A mockup is a miniature copy of a real object. Models are widely used in the construction and design of entire complexes and resort towns. Homemade kindergarten layouts can be a great tool for introducing growing kids to modeling and a starting platform for kids' play. In addition, the mock-up can be a wonderful decor element for any room. You, too, can make yourself a simple and beautiful layout, taking as a basis your house in the village or even your city house along with the yard.

Step 1
Let the layout of the kindergarten be the basis for the article. The model of a house with a courtyard differs only slightly. The entire layout will be on a large plywood sheet. From wooden strips, matches or paper cuts, you can make a fence around the edges. We cover the plywood with green oil paint, mark the zones on it (play, sports, and so on). On the model, we will depict the building of the garden itself, trees, bushes and other surroundings.
Step 2
A house can be made out of a simple box and pasted over with paper. We will outline the windows with a pencil, we will use colored wrapping paper or fabric to make curtains. The role of glasses will be played by plates made of mica or scotch tape. The doors will be made of cardboard, cut and glued.
Step 3
Trees can be made from cardboard. We cut it out, give it the desired shape, glue it where necessary. And it is better to make the trunk out of paper, as it will easily curl up into a tube and will not be wrinkled at the same time. We will attach a crown to the trunk. All that remains is to paint the trees in the appropriate colors. Berries and leaves can be painted on with a medium round brush using the brush strokes technique.
Step 4
Shrubs are made almost like trees. Only the template for them already includes both the trunks and the crown itself. We glue the crown, glue the lower parts of the trunks to a cardboard mug, making several cuts in them. We glue the details of the bushes, then paint.
Step 5
We build anthills on the basis of a paper cone. We cut out a circle, at a distance of 5 mm from the bottom of our cone we make cuts. This will make it easier to glue the cone to the cardboard mug that acts as a support. The finished anthill must be coated with glue and sprinkled with small pieces of moss or pine needles.
Step 6
Sandboxes can be made from a shallow lid from a cardboard box or from paper made using the origami technique. To make the effect of a slide of sand, glue a paper cone in the center of the sandbox, spread it with glue and sprinkle it well with sand.
Step 7
The grass can be made from wool fluffy threads of different shades. These threads are glued directly to the base of the layout or to the flower beds. In some places, you can glue flowers (small pieces of candy wrappers) to the threads with glue.
Step 8
Asphalt pavement can be easily simulated using fine-grained emery paper. This is ideal. Alternatively, paint the base plywood with black or dark gray oil paint, or apply a matching color with self-adhesive tape.
Step 9
Finally, the elements of the playground (for example, horizontal bars, ladders, etc.) can be made from cocktail tubes or simple paper tubes.