How To Make An Arrowhead

How To Make An Arrowhead
How To Make An Arrowhead

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An arrow is a projectile for archery or crossbow shooting. One of the most important elements of the boom is the arrowhead. Historically, the best in terms of penetration and hitting accuracy is the faceted shape of the tip. Scythians were the first to cast faceted bronze arrowheads. If you decide to practice shooting with a homemade bow, pay special attention to the arrowhead.

How to make an arrowhead
How to make an arrowhead


Step 1

The basic requirements for an arrowhead are to be streamlined, have weight, and not be broken by the shaft. Since during the exercises in archery we do not need to "kill" the enemy's manpower, we can start making a tip from "humane" materials. The material for the tip can be a variety of materials at hand: synthetic winterizer, champagne corks, rubber from a car camera.

Step 2

A simple and non-traumatic handpiece can be made from microporous construction rubber. Cut a strip 10 mm wide and 45 mm long from a piece of rubber. Screw it to the boom with a loop with a small gap. The clearance will keep the arrowhead from breaking through with the arrow shaft. By varying the gap, the boom can be balanced.

Step 3

Another option for a safety tip is a piece of rubber tubing about 20-30 mm long. The diameter of the tube should allow it to fit tightly onto the shaft of the arrow. The tube should not be inserted all the way so that the nose of the rubber tip protrudes 10 mm from the shaft.

Step 4

A more substantial tip that can stick into a wooden target can be made with a simple nail. Use a knife in the bow of the boom to select a platform equal in length to half the length of the nail. Make a longitudinal groove in the middle of the platform (the nail will drown in it). Now tape the nail to the shaft with copper wire, stranding to strand. The tip is ready.

Step 5

A more solid tip can be made from a thin steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Cut a triangular tip from the sheet with a shank equal in width to the diameter of the arrow. Make a slot at the end of the boom to insert the shank into. Use glue for a strong bond. Outside, wrap the junction with a thick nylon thread, trying to place the turns tightly.
