Almost every seamstress sooner or later faces the problem of trying on things, as well as fitting non-standard styles to their own figure. A dummy will help to solve this problem. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a new mannequin, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple and affordable way to make a mannequin at home, using your own figure as an example and basis.

Step 1
To create a mannequin, you need 100 meters of thick duct tape. Also prepare wooden hangers, cardboard tube, T-shirt, polyethylene, scissors, pins, wire, synthetic winterizer, corrugated cardboard, foam rubber and a mannequin stand.
Step 2
Put on your underwear, wrap a plastic bag around your neck, then put on a hip-length T-shirt and pin the edges between your legs with a pin. Cut a piece of duct tape and stick it over the top of your shirt, starting from your navel and ending with your lower back.
Step 3
With the tape secured between your legs, begin wrapping around the widest places on your hips, going down to your waist. To fix the shape of the breast, glue the tape under the breast, and then glue two pieces of tape crosswise between the breasts.
Step 4
After that, start tightly pasting with adhesive tape around your figure, leaving no empty spaces. Paste over the thighs, back, chest and upper arms.
Step 5
Once you've finished covering yourself in a circle, start applying the second layer of duct tape, guiding it vertically. At this stage, you can correct the irregularities in the shape of the future mannequin. Cover the neck over the plastic bag.
Step 6
Ask someone to draw a straight line along your back with a felt-tip pen, starting from the seventh cervical vertebra to the end of the pasting. If there is no partner, use a plumb line.
Step 7
Make sure the bottom edge that surrounds the thighs is parallel to the floor and wrap wire around it to secure. Slide the wire ring through the legs, then circle it over the heavy corrugated board and cut out the resulting shape. You have got the bottom of the future dummy.
Step 8
Now carefully cut the tape on your back in a zigzag line, starting to cut the surface between your legs.
Step 9
Place the wooden hangers on the cardboard tube, wrapping them tightly with tape. Cut out the inserts for the mannequin's chest from the foam, insert them into the chest recesses on the tape blank and glue.
Step 10
Put the shell on the prepared frame, and seal the cut on the back with adhesive tape. Seal all the holes and fill the mannequin with padding polyester. Place the mannequin with the bottom on the stand.
Step 11
Done correctly, the mannequin will become the perfect repetition of your figure, and you will be able to try on the clothes that you sew.