Any fisherman can choose tackle for a specific type of fishing in the store. Fortunately, there is a rich assortment of necessary equipment. However, not everyone has the opportunity to buy an expensive spinning rod. If you are new to fishing and have not yet acquired a permanent "tool", try making a primitive homemade fishing rod. With it, you can spend many pleasant hours on the shore and hunt for ruffs, perches, roaches and gudgeons.

It is necessary
- - Straight and even tree shoot for the rod
- - Dumbbells
- - Knife
- - Sandpaper
- - Vegetable oil
- - Brush
- - Drying oil
- - Varnish
- - Acetone
- - Pieces of rubber and plastic
- - Motovilze
- - Fishing line
- - float
- - Sinker
- - Hook
Step 1
It is best to prepare the rod ahead of time by cutting off the tree whip in the fall - at this time the wood becomes especially strong. Strong and resilient birch, maple, bird cherry and mountain ash shoots with a length of about 1, 8 m are suitable. You will not cast a short fishing rod far enough; if the tackle is too long, it will be difficult to follow the float and pull out the catch. Choose tree shoots even, of the correct conical shape.
Step 2
Cut off branches at the shoot and hang it by the lower edge on a glazed loggia or in a shed in the attic. Attach a weight, such as dumbbells, to the other end. In the spring, you need to shave off the whip with a knife, removing the bark completely. Go over the wood with coarse emery and then with finer emery.
Step 3
You need to make a homemade fishing rod strong and moisture resistant by treating the whip with vegetable oil. After complete drying, the wood must be covered with linseed oil, then varnished in 1-2 layers. Some craftsmen fill the rod with rubber so that it can support the weight of a heavy fish. This can be done at home. Dissolve pieces of rubber in pure acetone to obtain a viscous mass and apply this "primer" to the rod. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. The effect will increase if you also add a little plastic to the solution.
Step 4
Equip the finished rod with a reel (a device for attaching a line and winding it). If such equipment is not at hand, make a slit cut at the upper edge, wind the fishing line tightly around it and tie it with a strong knot. You can fold such a simple tackle by hooking the hook on the upper winding; the scaffolding should be about 20-30 cm longer than the whip.
Step 5
Attach a float, lead and hook to the line. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to some basic rules.
• The float must be shaped to stand vertically in the water. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself from the core of a large goose or duck feather. Remove any fluff from it, bend the tip and attach the fishing line to it. For weight, pull a rubber or tree bark ring tightly over the feather. Paint the float a bright, eye-catching color. For a homemade fishing rod, a ballpoint pen or one made of foam is also suitable.
• Attach the sinker 12 cm from the hook. If you do not have any commercial equipment, adjust a small nut.
• Hook. The most versatile are forged products, with a straight sting and a rounded bend. When bent, a good hook should spring back and return to its original shape. In a special way of the product №№3-8. Attach the hook to the end of the line with a strong knot - your homemade fishing rod is ready!