It is not very difficult to make a picture from a photograph using Photoshop. The most interesting in this genre are landscapes, still lifes, old streets. The photograph itself should initially be compositionally interesting.

It is necessary
Adobe Photoshop program
Step 1
In order to make a picture from a photograph, you need to select a suitable image and open it in Photoshop. Create three copies of the Background layer by right-clicking on the Layers panel menu and choosing Duplicate Layer. Turn off the visibility of the top two layers (by clicking on the eye sign opposite these layers). Activate the second layer from the bottom by clicking on it.
Step 2
Select the menu Filter - Artistic - Palette Knife, in the filter dialog box, set approximately the following values for Stroke Size - 6, Stroke Detail - 3. If you process several layers with different filters, it is more convenient to assign a name to each of them, so as not to get confused later, for this double click on its name. For example, name the filtered layer Palette Knife.
Step 3
Select the menu Image - Adjust - Hue / Saturation, in the dialog box, set approximately the following values Hue - 0, Saturation - +70, Lightness - +5.
Step 4
Go to Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to 4.0.
Step 5
Activate the second layer you duplicated and name it Dry Brush. Select the menu Filter - Artistic - Dry Brush. In the filter dialog box, set approximately the following values: Brush Size - 2, Brush Detail - 8, Texture - 1.
Step 6
Activate the third layer you duplicated and name it Smart Blur. Select the menu Filter -Blur - Smart Blur. In the filter dialog box, set approximately the following values: Radius - 15.1, Threshold - 51.3, Quality - Low, Mode-Edge Only. After applying this filter, the image will consist of white lines on a black background. Invert the image using the CTRL and I keyboard shortcuts.
Step 7
In order to make the drawing effect more saturated, apply the Filter - Artistic - Poster Edges filter. In the menu dialog box, set approximately the following values: Edge Thickness - 2, Edge Intensity - 1, Posterization - 2.
Step 8
Set the blending mode of all layers to Soft Light.
Step 9
At the end, you can also add the effect of the old canvas using the Filter - Artistic - Textuiser filter.