What is coffee associated with? Of course, with a hot mug of this drink and an invigorating aroma. What does a picture of coffee beans look like? Yes, exactly the same. You can easily make such a composition with your own hands and decorate with it, for example, a kitchen or an office.

It is necessary
- - coffee beans
- - thick cardboard
- - glue gun
- - PVA glue
- - fabric (linen or cotton without a pattern)
Step 1
We cut out cardboard 25 * 25 cm in size. But the size of the fabric should be a couple of centimeters larger. Thus, allowances should be obtained on each side.

Step 2
We grease the cardboard well with PVA glue and glue the fabric to it.

Step 3
We fix the allowances with the same glue.

Step 4
On the resulting canvas we apply a drawing with a pencil - a saucer and a mug with a hot drink. The image can be anything.

Step 5
Using a glue gun, glue the grains along the contour of the picture.

Step 6
When the composition is ready, you can decorate the edges of the canvas. To do this, we frame them using the same coffee beans and we get a semblance of a frame.

Step 7
We make a flower-shaped pattern on the cup. And our picture is ready!