The May weekend is coming soon - a little vacation that we look forward to every year. How to usefully hold it for yourself and others?

Educate yourself
May holidays are the best time to read books for the soul. This year, May 1 coincides with Easter, so you can read Russian classical literature, which develops us spiritually. Bunin ("Clean Monday"), Shmelev ("Summer of the Lord"), Andreev ("Angel") are suitable for such reading, the books "Unholy Saints", "Heavenly Fire", "Wonderland", and Voznesenskaya's stories are very good. Also, let's not forget about May 9, the holiday of the Great Victory, during the May holidays you can master Fadeev's "Young Guard", Vasilyev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet …", read the stories of Yakovlev, "The Story of a Real Man" by Boris Polevoy.

Delight loved ones with delicious dishes
Search the Internet for recipes for all sorts of goodies that your family members might like. If you have small children, be sure to include them in the cooking process, so they quickly learn the secrets of cooking, in addition, intimate conversations in the kitchen will help your relationship become warm and trusting. Invite your friends over and cook something with them, sharing culinary ideas will add to your recipe book. By the way, on the May holidays, contrary to myths, you can lose weight, cook okroshka on kefir or cold gazpacho soup, light salads of fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about your grandparents, be sure to visit them with a birthday cake, arrange a family tea party, children can make souvenirs for such an event.

Tidy up your apartment or cottage
May holidays are a great reason to put your apartment in order. You can approach this issue creatively, master the decoupage technique and bring old things back to life, decorate tablecloths and napkins with embroidery, disassemble things in the pantry, and give the unnecessary ones to those in need. The dacha can be ennobled in the same way, break new flower beds, plant unusual varieties of flowers, decorate the paths in the garden with interesting figures.

Immerse yourself in history
On a day like May 9, one should not forget about places of military glory. If possible, visit St. Petersburg ("Memorial Museum of Defense and the Siege of Leningrad"), Mamayev Kurgan in the Volgograd Region, the Brest Fortress. If this is not possible, be sure to watch some good film dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, for example, "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..", "The Fate of a Man", "17 Moments of Spring", etc.

Dedicate a few days to charity
You can organize a subbotnik and invite your neighbors to it, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to be in a clean and flourishing courtyard. Together with the children, you can plant trees near the house: wild apple and cherry trees, lilac bushes and others. It is a good idea for volunteers to organize a non-commercial show and concert at the orphanage, and at the end of the event, distribute soft toys to the children. Also, do not forget about our smaller brothers, feed homeless animals, organize medical assistance and care for them, make birdhouses.