The Moscow region abounds in fishing spots. There are many reservoirs here, not to mention a large network of large and small rivers. Fishing near Moscow is a catch of pike and burbot, ide and crucian carp, roach and asp.

There are many fishing spots in the Moscow region. There are more than a dozen large reservoirs alone - Istra, Klyazminskoye, Pirogovskoye … And there are also rivers and rivulets - Volga, Moscow, Oka … Fishing here has its own peculiarities. In some places pike and asp are caught, in others - carp and crucian carp.
Istra reservoir
The Istra reservoir draws water resources from the Istra River. It was created in 1935 and has long become one of the favorite fishing spots. There are many areas for fishing from the bank. Pike perch and pike, perch and ide, tench, roach, bream, eel are caught in the reservoir. Sometimes local fishermen can boast of such rarities as silver carp or carp.
Young vendace, sterlet and sturgeon were launched into the Istra reservoir, but apparently they did not take root, because there are no cases of catching these species now. But the experiment with the settlement of pike perch was a success. It was launched in the middle of the last century. The fishermen who come here regularly fish for pike perch on a spinning - you just need to know the "right" places.
Klyazminskoe reservoir
The Klyazminskoye reservoir is located closer to Moscow than the others. The average depth here is about six meters, the coastal zone is usually sandy.
Pike, roach, perch, silver bream and bream are caught here. Sometimes catfish or pike perch come across, but rarely. Pike perch and bream must be caught at depth, in pits. In the bays of the reservoir, you can catch perch and roach.
On the shores of the Klyazminskoye reservoir there are many health resorts, recreation centers and sports fishing. One of them is located near the Pirogovo station. Here fishermen can rent boats and find a place to spend the night. The usual catch for these places is pike perch, crucian carp, ide, bream, roach, perch and carp.
Volga river
The Volga is one of the most popular fishing spots in all of Russia. In the Moscow region, it comes only in the area of Dubna. The best fishing on the Volga is in the area of the Ivankovskoye reservoir dam. The water is fast flowing here. Bream and burbot are caught here on donkeys, pike, asp and pike perch on spinning. Where the river Dubna flows into the Volga, you can catch roach and bream with a float rod, and a pike perch, pike and perch with a spinning rod.
Moskva river
Above the Mozhaisk reservoir on the Moscow River, there are good places for fishing in the wiring. In summer you can catch ide, roach, chub, gudgeon and dace here. Below the Mozhaisk reservoir, you can fish in the wiring, on float rods, spinning rods and donks. Asp, chub, perch, ide, roach are found here.