What The Summer Of In Moscow Will Be Like

What The Summer Of In Moscow Will Be Like
What The Summer Of In Moscow Will Be Like

Summer is the most anticipated time. Someone likes to spend all their free time in the garden / vegetable garden in the hot season, someone on the beach, and someone prefers active rest. To plan your leisure time months ahead, you need to know at least an approximate expected weather forecast.

What the summer of 2016 in Moscow will be like
What the summer of 2016 in Moscow will be like

Last year, the summer did not please Muscovites with an abundance of sun and warm days. No, of course there were sultry days, but one could not count on a long sultry summer. And precipitation in the form of rains, often torrential, did not allow the earth to dry out for almost the entire season. That is why now many Muscovites, missing the sun and warmth, are wondering what the coming summer of 2016 in Moscow will be like. To answer the question, it is necessary to compare the data from previous years, which will help to find out the preliminary results. However, it should be noted that more accurate data will be known closer to June.

What will be June 2016 in Moscow

According to preliminary data, June 2016 will not be particularly hot: the month will be unstable and changeable. Constant jumps in temperature are expected throughout June, and in the first decade the average temperature will be set within + 17 + 19 degrees, and in the second - slightly lower - 15-17 degrees with a plus sign. The data above are for daytime hours. As for the nightlife, the temperature will be set within + 7 + 12 degrees. The amount of precipitation in June 2016 will exceed the norm, sunny days will alternate with rainy ones, but the latter is expected to be slightly higher. The upcoming June is a test for meteorological individuals.

What will be July 2016 in Moscow

According to preliminary data, this July will delight Muscovites with sun and warmth. The average daily temperature will be set within +25 degrees, and on certain days of the month, especially in the first two weeks, it will rise to 30-32 degrees. The last week of July will delight lovers of heat, as during this period the air temperature will reach its maximum (32-34 degrees). After a sultry week, the temperature regime is normalized and re-established within 23-25 degrees. As for precipitation, the month will be quite dry.

What will August 2016 be like in Moscow

August 2016, according to preliminary forecasts, as well as June of this year, will not particularly please Muscovites and guests of the city. The fact is that the last month of summer is expected to be rainy. However, it should be noted that, although precipitation will exceed the norm, the average daily temperature will not fall below 23 degrees Celsius. It will become a little cooler only by the end of the month, but only by a couple of degrees.


What will be the summer of 2016 in Moscow according to folk signs

You can judge the weather in summer about the past winter: the colder the winter, the hotter the summer. The weather on New Year's Eve can also tell you what the coming summer will be like, for example, if the night was rather warm, then the summer will be warm and vice versa. In general, you should pay attention to certain months, for example, the winter month December mirrors the summer month June, January - July, February - August. Think back to the past winter months and compare them with the expected summer months, if December was snowy, then you can expect a lot of precipitation in June, etc.
