Sagittarius men are very complex natures, they cannot always figure out their desires and emotions. That is why it is impossible to say unequivocally which girls Sagittarius like.

Step 1
Boredom, narrow-mindedness, jealousy and suspicion easily repel the Sagittarius man, he is more likely to pay attention not to an "informal" girl, prone to experiments, who is distinguished by a sense of humor and sociability. Sagittarius highly values intelligence, it is very important for him the girl's ability to formulate thoughts, to maintain conversations on difficult topics. Intelligence and education in the eyes of Sagittarius mean much more than thrift or sexuality.
Step 2
Sagittarius is looking for a girlfriend with the same interests in an ideal woman. It is very important for him that his life partner shares his beliefs, is fond of the same things that he does, and finds a common language with his friends. A girl who is constantly looking for something new in life, gaining some knowledge, is much more interesting to Sagittarius than a woman who wants to create a strong family.
Step 3
The Sagittarius man is in a kind of endless spiritual search for most of his life, so he is attracted either by older and wiser women, who can become a kind of spiritual authorities for him, or very young, for whom he himself can act in this capacity. It is very important for a Sagittarius to feel like a student or a teacher, depending on the environment.
Step 4
The easiest way to attract Sagittarius is with its unusualness. He is greedy for everything new, strange and unusual. That is why Sagittarius often marry foreign women. For this zodiac sign, the moment of research is very important, a relationship with Sagittarius usually ends if it seems to them that they have learned everything about their partner.
Step 5
The emotions of Sagittarius are distinguished by their sincerity and extraordinary breadth, they are not characterized by coquetry, a sense of possessiveness, dependence on the opinions of other people. Despite the fact that Sagittarius look at the world very soberly, adequately assessing the events taking place and keeping up with the times, they get great pleasure from gallant treatment and romantic adventures. That is why Sagittarians rarely like calm, balanced natures who consider romance an unnecessary excess.
Step 6
Sagittarius show themselves well in family life, they are ready to spend a lot of time with children, playing with them and telling interesting stories and fairy tales. However, the monotony of family life can make Sagittarius look for something new on the side, and we are talking not only about lovers, but also about extreme hobbies that can threaten life. We can say that one of the most important things in life with this zodiac sign is not to let him get bored.