People born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by a kind, open character. They are purposeful. If they want to achieve something, they will definitely do it. To better understand Sagittarius, you need to know some facts about them.

Sagittarius is adored. They know how to win over the people around them. Brightness, dynamism, activity - all these features are possessed by people who were born in the period from November 23 to December 22.
Interesting facts about Sagittarius
- They are indecisive in relationships. Sagittarius in love cannot decide for a long time whether they want a relationship or whether the game is not worth the candle. Many people imagine that love will pass very quickly. Therefore, they may appear cold and calculating. But this is not the case.
- They love competition. Because of this, it is easy to incite them to take any action. It is enough just to hint at the competition. Sagittarius love to be successful in everything. They love to demonstrate their success even more. But they do it unobtrusively, carefully.
- They are very neat. This is especially evident when driving. And other things are treated with care. Sagittarius are able to keep their mood and energy on the same level. And for this extreme, vivid impressions they do not need.
- They are stubborn. Arguing against Sagittarius is a hopeless task. However, they will not be stubbornly silent. Representatives of the sign will bombard their opponent with so many arguments that it will be easier to end the argument.
- They rarely change hobbies. They can add something new to their to-do list. But deleting something from him is a task for Sagittarius that can be called impossible.
Sagittarius woman
A woman born between November 23rd and December 22nd is smart, energetic and optimistic. The character is dominated by lightness. A woman will not be sad or angry for a long time. Any negative can be endured steadily and calmly.

Sagittarius woman facts
- It is difficult for her to communicate with the man she likes. At the very beginning of a relationship, a Sagittarius woman will have a hard time talking to the guy who caught her attention. However, a month will pass and everything will change. Modesty will evaporate, and the relationship with Sagittarius will be like a roller coaster.
- She is active. She will not let her chosen one sit quietly on the couch, and she will not do this herself. Moreover, her energy can manifest itself at any age.
- She is confident in herself. Achieving what you want can be easy and natural. At the same time, he will not do anything that can harm the people around him. Will not lie and provoke conflicts. The Sagittarius woman is able to realize all her desires without all this.
- She does it first, and only then begins to think. If a Sagittarius woman has decided something, she will not listen to the advice of the people around her. Quite often, because of this approach, she has to face a huge number of problems.
- She loves independence. The Sagittarius woman independently controls her own destiny. And she will never entrust this task to anyone. And it's better not even to try to take away her freedom. Failure to do so could seriously damage the relationship.
Sagittarius man
He is attractive, sincerely loves his chosen one, knows how to take revenge. He will make a wonderful father and husband. A man born in the period from November 23 to December 22 sincerely believes that he can be wrong, but a woman cannot.

Sagittarius man facts
- He is not vindictive. If a man born under the sign of Sagittarius did not take revenge immediately, then he will not do it. The representative of the sign is not able to keep grievances in memory for a long time.
- He will never impose. Even if he really likes the person. He just needs to feel that the relationship has begun to deteriorate in order to reduce communication to a minimum.
- He is a multifaceted person. Able to easily find a common language with people around him. Enchants with her intelligence and knowledge. However, this skill will not be used for selfish purposes.
- He is neutral towards criticism. Especially if it sounded from the side of a person who has not achieved anything in life.
- He can be lonely. Sagittarius will easily refuse to communicate with indifferent and mean people. He can calmly live for a while and in complete solitude.