What Games Can You Play Outdoors In Spring

What Games Can You Play Outdoors In Spring
What Games Can You Play Outdoors In Spring

“Spring, spring on the street, spring days, spring days are flooded like birds! Here passers-by cannot pass, there is a rope on the way, the girls count as chorus ten times by ten”- Agnia Barto described the situation in spring Moscow, when with the first warmth the kids went out into the street and played all kinds of outdoor games.

Lida, Lida, you are small, in vain you took the jump rope
Lida, Lida, you are small, in vain you took the jump rope

It is a shame, but with the introduction of computers, iPhones, smartphones in life and being Russians on the streets, children have disappeared. And with the first rays of spring, there are no ropes on the streets, the classics on the asphalt have disappeared, the sound of balls is not heard. Children sit at computer games, communicate on social networks, which cannot cause concern for the older generation. But modern children simply do not know outdoor games that can be played on the street.


The classics of street fun are "classics". Chalk and bat are required to play. As a bit, you can take any flat tin box. The grandmothers of modern children played with a box made of monpensier filled with sand for weight.

A rectangle is drawn with an aspect ratio of approximately 5: 3, and is divided into ten squares in pairs in five rows, each of which is signed with numbers from 1 to 10 - these will be classes. At the top of the classics, a semicircle is drawn in which "fire" is written.

A simplified version of the game. The bat is thrown into each class in turn. After each throw, you must jump on one foot in all classes, starting with the one into which the bat was thrown. In this case, the bat should not fall on the line, when the knight passes, it is also impossible to step on the line, otherwise the player will lose his move. If the bat hits the "fire", all moves are burned out and the player starts from the first class.

A difficult option for girls who are more dexterous - you need to skip all classes, on one leg, pushing the bat. The winner is the one who rushes all 10 classes first.


You will need a jump rope and a girl to play. The first girl rides in any way until she gets confused. At the same time, an account is kept. The next girl must first jump as many times as the first girl jumped - “catch up”, and then start her countdown, which the next participant will have to catch up. Usually it does not come to winning and losing, as the excitement subsides with fatigue.


To play, you need a ball and the number of players at least three, but the more, the better. Children are divided into two teams - one knocks out the other. Bouncers stand at the edges of the court on both sides. The second team is in the center. The task of the bouncers is to hit any opponent with the ball, while they cannot be allowed to catch the ball with a "candle", otherwise the player gets a bonus. When the ball is hit, the player is out of the game. The game is played until all members of the opposing team are eliminated. After that, the roles change.

Dog squirrels

Play from four or more participants. Children are divided into "squirrels" and "dogs". The task of the "dog" is to catch any "squirrel", in this case either the "squirrel" leaves the game and waits for the end, or the roles change, depending on the initial agreement. There is a nuance in the game - a squirrel can jump on any wooden object. In this case, it is necessary to say "Knock, knock, I'm in the house" - the "dog" can no longer catch such a "squirrel". But after a certain time, the "dog" can say the magic words "One-two-three, burn the tree" and you can catch the "squirrel" again.
