Many of us have difficulty trying to learn how to swim. This is a fear of water, and ignorance of the simplest swimming skills. Thus, you deprive yourself of the wonderful opportunity to plunge into the water and enjoy bathing on a hot summer day. Let's find out if learning to swim is that hard.

Step 1
First you need to choose a place to swim. Let it be a beach with a clean bottom, without waves and currents. It is advisable to take with you a partner who can swim well. He will be able to hedge you if at first something does not work out for you.
Step 2
Let's start by mastering the simplest skills - the ability to lie on your back, slide on water, open your eyes in water. To do this, we will perform several exercises.
Step 3
Enter the water to a depth just above your waist. Holding your partner with your hands, inhale, hold your breath and plunge headlong into the water. Stand up and repeat this several times. Then try the same exercise with your eyes open.
Step 4
Now we will learn to keep balance in the water. Enter the water knee-deep, get on all fours. Inhale, fold your legs tightly together and lift them from the bottom horizontally to the surface of the water. Try walking in this position along the bottom of the reservoir, resting on the palms of your hands.
Step 5
The following exercise helps you stay in the water. Enter the water up to your waist, take a deep breath. Sit down and wrap your arms around your legs, pressing your chin to your knees. Try to hold this position on the surface of the water for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise several times.
Step 6
Now we will learn to breathe out into the water. Together with your partner, enter the water to a depth just above your waist. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and sit down in the water. Try to breathe out through your mouth in water. And so repeat several times.
Step 7
Let's move on to the stroke movements of the arms. It is better to practice these exercises first on the shore, and then fix them in the water.
Step 8
Stand up straight with your hands shoulder-width apart. Move your arms back and forth in a circular motion. Pay attention to the position of your hands - they should always face the palms back. Do the same exercise, but with only one hand.
Step 9
Lie on the sand with your back, arms extended forward, palms outward. Swing your arms back, while trying to shovel as much sand with your hands as possible. This exercise is very beneficial for the arms.
Step 10
Lie on the sand again, but on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, fold your legs together, extend your feet. Raise your legs slightly up and make them several movements up and down. Try to keep your arms, head and torso still. Once you have done all these exercises on the shore, you can start training in the water.
Step 11
Row with arms and legs synchronously and rhythmically. Try to gradually increase the amplitude of your strokes. Over time, you will be able to perfectly control your body in the water.
Step 12
By doing these exercises, you will subsequently be able to learn how to swim like a dog, and like a frog, and on the back, and a crawl.