Dances are different, but they are united by one thing - the movements characteristic of a particular dance. It is thanks to learning the standard dance movements that you can learn to dance it, and quite quickly. One of the finest waltzes is the waltz. It is on his example that we will analyze how to learn to dance in one day. Of course, if you have good tact and hearing, learning will take less time.

Step 1
First, imagine a square. You will need to slide on it in the process of learning. Later, when you have already learned the basic principles of dance, you will be able to spin with might and main. At the beginning of the training, try to move along an impromptu square.
Step 2
The main step of the waltz is the side step. It is quite simple: one-two-three, one-two-three, and so on. On “one” you step forward with your right foot, on “two” your left leg is put in place, on “three” - again your right leg is in place. When moving backwards, the order is as follows: on "one" - the left leg, on "two" the right leg is put in place, on "three" - the left leg and on the spot. These movements need to be repeated more often each time. You have only the first big step. The other two are subtle.
Step 3
All movements in the waltz are performed smoothly, the steps are light, sliding. At the end, climb onto the half-toes, and then lower again. The knees are at first slightly bent, then there is a slight straightening.
Step 4
Moving backward, take your left leg back with a precise movement. First, slide with the pad of your foot, then go to the toe, slide again with the pad and go to the entire foot.
Step 5
You need to move in a waltz counterclockwise, starting with the movement of the right leg forward and ending with the movement of the left leg backward.
Step 6
The man should put his left hand on the lady's waist and take her hand with his right hand. The lady beautifully puts her hand on the man's shoulder. Hands should be kept bent, without straining. The back must certainly be kept straight and at the same time smiling.
Step 7
By honing the movements over and over again, you will finally reach perfection. You will hardly be able to skillfully master the dance in one day, but you will certainly have time to learn the basics of dance.