Swimming is not only a useful life skill, but also a good way to keep your body in top shape. It is easy to sign up for a swim, the main thing is to understand whether it will be a sport or an ordinary hobby.

Swimming is a great way to relieve stress and strengthen your body. It has been noticed that children who visit the pool get sick less and adapt better to changes. Swimming strengthens muscles, improves coordination of movements and a good mood.
Before signing up for the pool, you need to understand what your goal is. If you are looking to improve your health by attending a swimming group from time to time, you need to buy a subscription to a regular pool.
If you are planning to grow your child into an athlete-swimmer, you should find a suitable sports school with a set of children in special groups. The general and first step to making your dream come true should be collecting information from friends and acquaintances, as well as on the Internet.
When the pool or school is selected, you need to go to the doctor. A certificate from a general practitioner is required in all pools. He will examine you or the child and prescribe any necessary tests. If you are planning to send your baby to a sports school, you will need a doctor's admission to swim in the section.
This means that your child should not have contraindications for swimming. After obtaining admission to regular swimming complexes, you must select the group you will attend.
Classes are held in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. You need to attend the group you signed up for. The lesson lasts on average 45 minutes, one visit will cost 200 rubles.
You can purchase a subscription to classes, just do not forget to take it with you or put it in your child's bag. In practice, purchasing tickets can be more profitable than a monthly subscription. Your child or you may get sick, and the pool administration does not return the money paid.
If you are enrolling in a swimming sports school, you need to fill out an application. It is given by the coach and returned to your child's mentor as well. The schedule of classes, the load and the purchase of equipment are negotiated with the trainer.
Enrollment for children's groups starts from 7 years old, and for adults - from 18 years old. You will need to rewrite the class schedule and plan your time in order to accompany your child to them.
It should be remembered that in all pools you need to take bathing accessories with you: a hat, a bathing suit, flip-flops, a towel and a small hairdryer. Then each visit to the swimming pool will give you a lot of positive emotions and will bring unconditional benefit.