Every man is already an object of entertainment for a girl. When the topic of conversation comes to an end, you have to look for new loopholes and ideas. Men talk about football, operating systems, cars, etc. will become new and not entirely understandable for the lady, so it is better to omit this moment.
But having cunning, attention, imagination and humor with you, you can cheer your girlfriend anywhere and in any way.

Step 1
Of course, you can stock up on jokes and jokes, but not always. Let's say you are sitting in a cafe. Draw attention to yourself by making something out of a napkin, such as a boat. Imagine, don't be afraid. And with this boat, start to carry around the table and mutter about it. A surge of positive emotions from the girl, and your humor will be noticed.
You can very easily dance in a cafe, sitting on a chair. Just go to the girl's hand with your middle and forefinger (you get a man with legs) and invite to dance. The girl is unlikely to refuse you.
With the help of a piece of ice, you can surprise with your knowledge of the main points of acupuncture:
Jie-Pi (the outside of the hand between the index and thumb)
Yang-Wee (at the site of the clock)
Qu-wi (elbow inside)
Ji-Quan (on the shoulder)
Xian-Su (neck in the middle)
Yin-Sang (nose bridge)
Quan Wu (end of the eyebrow)
Di-Tsan (right corner of the mouth)
Step 2
As for other places, for example, in the car. The girl will definitely climb to look at herself in the mirror. It will be original to cut the mechanism out of the musical postcard and build it into the fold of the anti-sun panel with a mirror. She will open and hear the music, and what kind of music you choose yourself.
While you are in the car, write the pleasant and kind words that she wants to hear with your finger on the glass. When the engine switches off, the glass will fog up and the inscription will become visible.
You can also make a joke by recording the squeal of brakes and a powerful blow to the disc. Thus, depict the impending catastrophe believably. Everything will turn out to be funny if you are a good actor. But keep in mind, the plan can fail if the girl does not appreciate the joke.
Step 3
It happens that the car is not nearby, the cafes have closed long ago and it is night on the street. In part, you can be delighted and start talking about something romantic, but the main thing is not about scary, as the guys are addicted to. Usually they pay attention to the moon. You can get a change from your pocket and ask the girl to outshine the luminary with any coin on her outstretched hand.
Step 4
Fun and surprises are much easier at home. If you have already shown all your photo albums, certificates, hobbies and other perspectives, then you should improvise further.
You can surprise the girl with a variety of tea or coffee making. For example, coffee "ESKIMO".
Brew regular coffee, strain and chill. Then mix with ice cream and melted chocolate.
Needed: 60 g of ground coffee, 4 tablespoons of ice cream, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of melted chocolate, 400 ml of boiling water. Very tasty, simple and most importantly original.
And if you were born a culinary specialist, then you can cook something more complicated and more interesting.