A jewelry box is one of the most important items that must be present in the arsenal of every woman who wants to keep her jewelry in order. Everyone can make a beautiful box with their own hands; all they need is to arm themselves with imagination, as well as the necessary tools and materials.

In order to make a jewelry box, you will need:
- a box with a hinged lid;
- round openwork napkin;
- round mirror;
- flexible curlers;
- wrapping paper (choose its color yourself);
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- PVA glue.
The first thing to do is decorate the box. To do this, it must be completely pasted over with double-sided tape.
The next step is to remove the protective layer from the tape and stick the wrapping paper on it. You need to completely glue the entire box with paper, leaving small gaps in its folds.
Now you need to glue an openwork napkin on the inside of the lid exactly in the middle (its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the mirror), and stick a mirror on it. The napkin can be glued to PVA glue, but the mirror can be glued to double-sided tape.
Next, you need to measure the length of the box and cut off the flexible curlers of this length. Glue double-sided tape to the bottom of the box, then gently, firmly pressing it to the bottom of the box and to each other, glue the curlers. The jewelry box is ready, now you can put jewelry in it.
As for the outer part of the box, it looks quite simple, but this can be easily corrected by decorating the product with lace, beads, stones, artificial flowers or any other decorative elements. You can experiment here.