The fair sex, as a rule, love jewelry. Everyone has their own preferences in style, composition and price of jewelry. However, there is still a common point: where to store all this wealth? The jewelry box will be a great gift on the eve of a women's holiday. Especially if the box is made by hand.

To create a box, you will need: thick cardboard, a book-type candy box, velvet fabric that matches the style of the fabric, wrapping paper, glue, scissors, satin ribbon, thermal stickers on the fabric.
The box will consist of a base box and several inner compartments. First of all, you need to think about the size. Internal compartments can be either the size of a matchbox, or a couple of centimeters larger.
If you don't want to mess with cardboard, you can just glue several matchboxes without a lid in the shape of a square at the rate of 6 by 6, for example. Such compartments are suitable for small jewelry: rings, earrings, etc.
For larger jewelry and other trinkets, you will need larger "pockets". Take a piece of cardboard and cover it with wrapping paper. Alternatively, you can use colored cardboard. The main thing is that the color of the cardboard matches the fabric.
Gently draw a 5-square figure on the sheet with a pencil, and then bend and glue the lines according to the diagram.

If your fantasy tells you that the branches should be rectangular, not square, increase the central part in size. In this case, the sides must remain the same.
Glue all the resulting boxes together so that they form a square or rectangle. Measure the length / width of the product and start making the base part of the box. You can take a ready-made box of chocolates or glue the box yourself according to the scheme, adding another one to one of the side boards - this will be the lid of the box.
Cover the box with velvet fabric, securing the edges to the inside. Cover the joints with brown paper. To top it off, insert the compartments into the base of the box, and decorate the lid with a satin ribbon bow or suitable fabric iron-on stickers.