Do you still buy cardboard boxes for storing clothes just because they are brightly colored and help to arrange things neatly in the closet? Instead of spending hundreds of rubles on cardboard, make one yourself.

By the way, it is better to do a box for storing any things, including underwear, with your own hands, also because you can choose the exact size of the craft for your rack or wardrobe. Thus, the space in the cabinet will be used with maximum efficiency.
cardboard box, bright fabric (chintz, satin, linen), glue (PVA, Moment, etc. are suitable, the instructions for which say that they are recommended by the manufacturer for paper, cardboard, fabric), scissors, a glue brush, a ruler.
Of course, you can buy hard cardboard and make a box yourself, but it's cheaper to ask for a box at any grocery or department store. Often they are simply displayed near the checkout so that those who wish can take boxes for moving or crafts.
1. Sew the two handles for the box. The width of the finished handles should be at least 1.5-2 cm, the length is about twice the distance between the attachment points of the handles. The blank for the handle should be 4 times the width of the finished handle (i.e. 6-8 cm). If you don't feel like sewing pens, you can pick up a wide, dense braid.
2. Cut off the top flaps of the box. If necessary, cut a few centimeters off the top of the cardboard.
3. On the two opposite sides of the box, mark the place for the handles. Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut the holes for attaching the handles. The length of the hole for the handles should be about 3-5 mm larger than the width of the handle, and the width - about 3-5 mm.

4. Cover the outside of the box with a cloth. Apply a good glue to the surface of the box. Tuck the fabric at the joints (to give the impression that there is a hidden seam) and glue it especially carefully.
5. Make slits in the fabric where the box handles should be. Place the handles in the slots and glue them from the inside. Mask the place where they are glued with pieces of thin cardboard.
6. Glue the fabric from the inside of the box.