Houseplants. Azalea - Growing And Care

Houseplants. Azalea - Growing And Care
Houseplants. Azalea - Growing And Care

A blooming azalea is a symbol of joy and peace. This is the opinion in Eastern countries. In Japan, where nature is treated with reverence, a cult was made from the cultivation of azaleas.

Blooming azalea
Blooming azalea

This flower is purely home and decorative. In some countries with very warm climates, it grows in street beds. But in our harsh climate he is capricious even in the apartment. Azalea, with all its bright oriental beauty, is a very wayward and quarrelsome flower. The slightest change in the air temperature in the room in which the plant is located will immediately affect its mood. The same will happen with excess or lack of moisture.


Florists who decide to start breeding this capricious delicate plant should stock up on mega-patience. Azalea hates direct sunlight. She prefers partial shade or diffused light.

In the warm season, it can be taken out into the air, in partial shade. A good warm summer rain is very much to her liking. Azalea air humidity is essential. If the air in the room where it is located is too dry, it must be constantly sprayed.


You need to water the flower through a pallet, in no case under the roots. There should be no stagnation of water in the sump, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out either. For irrigation, it is best to use rain, warm melt or river water. in another case, you need to water with settled water.

Azalea does not like high temperatures. In the summer she prefers to be outdoors in the shade, and in the winter indoors.

In the room where she stands, the temperature should not exceed 15 degrees plus.

Azalea is an acid-loving plant. It needs acidic soil. It is rather difficult to prepare the necessary soil on your own. It is better to buy a ready-made composition in the store.

The plant requires feeding only in spring and summer once a week. You can also buy special fertilizers in the store.


For abundant flowering, starting in May, old stems need to be cut and pinched. Young leafy shoots should be plucked for a fuller color. If the azalea is kept in a cool room during the flowering period, it will bloom much longer.

There are many pests and diseases ready to spoil the appearance of this beauty and destroy her. From all these misfortunes, only chemical preparations will help.

If, as far as possible, take care of this plant correctly, this oriental pride will thank you. For many years she will endow you with her extraordinary bright beauty, and give you joyful moments of communication with her.