Daylilies have won the hearts of many flower growers in recent years. They are so undemanding that they are jokingly called lazy flowers. But even for them there are secrets of cultivation and care.

Daylilies grow best in rich soils and love to fertilize before flowering. True, you should not abuse fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, since with frequent feeding, daylilies form a large mass of foliage and few flower stalks are laid.
In summer, daylilies should be watered rarely, but abundantly, and should be done in the evening or early in the morning. During flowering, regularly pinch off wilted flowers, and cut out completely worn-out peduncles to the base. Thus, energy is saved for long flowering and the bushes always have a neat appearance.
Daylilies are frost-hardy, and also do not need hourly transplants - they can grow in one place for more than ten years. Dividing and replanting bushes is best done in early spring.
It is recommended to divide daylilies at the age of over five years, when the bush grows sufficiently. But if you use the method of stimulating dormant buds, which is used by American flower growers, then you can divide in a year. To do this, in the spring, as soon as sprouts about 5 cm high appear at the daylily, you need to cut them off just above the base of the root collar. Sprinkle the place of the cut with ash and cover it with earth. This operation stimulates the germination of dormant buds. 5-6 new ones grow from one sprout, and after a year the bush can be divided.
Dormant buds are found on any peduncle - sometimes shoots with leaves and root buds develop from them. In order to stimulate the emergence of shoots on the peduncle, make an incision under the bud, put a plastic bag filled with wet moss on this place, and make sure that the substrate does not dry out. When roots appear, cut off the layers and plant in the shade. The rosette will bloom next year.