How To Make A Poodle From A Ball

How To Make A Poodle From A Ball
How To Make A Poodle From A Ball

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A separate joy in the amusement park, in addition to carousels and cotton candy, is the figures that are made from balloons. You can twist these at home, especially since they are based on the same assembly principle, which we will demonstrate on the "air" poodle.

How to make a poodle from a ball
How to make a poodle from a ball


Step 1

Inflate the balloon about 4/6 of its volume. It should not be pumped up harder, because when twisting it can simply burst. The end of the ball can be tied with a thread or knotted. The second option is preferable for the appearance of the toy.

Step 2

Start shaping the dog's figure from the head. Divide the length of the balloon into six parts mentally (including the segment that is not filled with air). About one-sixth will go to the face. Grab it with the fingers of your left hand (on the side with which the ball is tied), with your right hand grasp the ball a centimeter to the right and turn your hands towards each other, twisting the ball two or three times.

Step 3

Select the next slightly smaller piece and twist it in one turn exactly in the middle - this is how you get the poodle ears. At the base of the second ear, roll the ball once and then twist it together with the base of the first ear.

Step 4

Next, you need to make the legs. Marking the mentally desired length of the dog's leg, twist it in two turns, step back a couple of centimeters and make a round foot of the poodle, immediately after that, the second, and then the second leg. Having connected it to the base of the first one, measure the length of the body, and then build another pair of paws.

Step 5

During the listed manipulations, air will fill the empty part of the ball, from which the tail will be made. Since poodles become recognizable due to their special haircut, it is worth imitating it in the balloon dog too. To do this, at the end of the tail, make the same small segment as at the ends of the paws of the "animal".

Step 6

Draw the eyes, nose and tongue on the finished toy with a permanent marker. It is better not to use ordinary markers - they will lie unevenly on the slippery surface of the ball and get the hands of everyone who touches it dirty.
