How To Make A Christmas Ball From Napkins

How To Make A Christmas Ball From Napkins
How To Make A Christmas Ball From Napkins

One of the attributes of the New Year is a Christmas tree decorated with colorful toys, sparkling garlands, pine cones and ribbons. Christmas decorations can be bought in the store, or you can make them yourself, showing a little imagination and dexterity. From old lace or thin knitted napkins, you can make magnificent spiderweb balls, which will become a worthy decoration for a festive interior.

How to make a Christmas ball from napkins
How to make a Christmas ball from napkins

In anticipation of the New Year, they put things in order in the houses, decorate the Christmas tree, cut snowflakes out of paper and light candles. These pleasant chores create coziness in the house and give a unique feeling of celebration. Hand-made Christmas tree decorations are a real hit in recent years. With the help of a couple of old knitted napkins, unnecessary lace or tulle, you can make spiderweb balls that will become a worthy decoration of the New Year's interior.

What is required for the spiderweb balls

To make a spider web ball, you will need: thin knitted napkins, a balloon, threads, PVA glue, a brush, a needle and a paper clip. Old lace or tulle can be used instead of napkins. The brush can be replaced with a soft, porous sponge. PVA glue should be diluted with a small amount of water so that it is not too thick.

Making spiderweb balls

Inflate a small balloon and tie it tightly with a string. The blank must have the correct rounded shape, its size will correspond to the size of the future Christmas tree decoration. Thoroughly coat the surface of the workpiece with glue and carefully spread the prepared openwork material on it. It is most convenient to work with small knitted parts that can be easily combined with each other. The parts should be glued with an overlap, this will allow you to get a strong shape that is resistant to external influences. The surface of the knitted parts should also be carefully greased with glue. During the drying process, the thick white substance is completely absorbed into the fabric and will not leave streaks on its surface. It may take 3 to 24 hours for the product to dry, depending on the temperature in your room.

Final operations

Make sure that the Christmas tree toy is thoroughly dry, take a needle, pierce the balloon and carefully remove it through the gaps in the knitted product. If you did everything correctly, the toy will retain its spherical shape, become strong and solid. Now take a paper clip and unfold it. Attach the narrow end to the ball, use the wide end to secure the decoration to the tree. By the same principle, you can make a spider web lamp, only the balloon needs to be inflated harder, and much more openwork fabric will be required than to create a New Year's toy.
