There are many people who want to have magical abilities. However, sometimes it happens that a person has such opportunities, but he simply does not know about them. You can conduct a number of simple tests that can confirm or deny the presence of magical gifts.

The full list of magical possibilities is very wide, it makes no sense to list them. However, most of them are based on two fundamental points: the peculiarities of the psyche and the presence of personal strength. It is interesting that almost every person has innate magical abilities. It's just that in some people they are pronounced, in others they are practically invisible. In the latter case, special tests are required to identify their capabilities.
Zener Cards
One of the most successful ways to test psychic abilities was proposed by the psychologist Karl Zener. The subject is shown for familiarization five cards with the image of a circle, a square, a cross, a star and waves. After that, they are pulled out of the deck in random order, and the subject must guess the card in the hands of the magician. He learns about the test results only at the end.
The result is calculated using a special formula. If the final score is less than 1.96, there is no psychic ability. If from 1, 96 to 2, 58 - they are in a mild form. Finally, if you manage to score from 2, 58 and above, then magical abilities are very well expressed. For the correctness of the results, at least 50 guessing attempts must be made. There are special computer programs created for this test.
Paper spinner on silk thread
Experience to determine the presence of the ability to telekinesis. For home use, you will need a small tissue paper spinner suspended by silk thread inside a 3-liter glass jar. You can fix the thread on the bottom of the can with a piece of plasticine. The jar is placed upside down on the table, the spinner is suspended inside it by a thread. The walls of the can isolate the turntable from the surrounding air.
The experiment is carried out after the movement of the paper turntable has completely calmed down. Being a few meters from the can, try to mentally turn the turntable in any direction. If you succeed several times, you can be congratulated - you have the ability to telekinesis!
Man, look around
Exercise to assess the level of magical influence on people. It is most convenient to spend it somewhere in a park or on a not too crowded street. An auditorium, a cinema is also suitable. Your task is to make the person standing or sitting with their back to you look back. To do this, look at the back of his head (distance does not matter) and mentally call out: "Hey!".
It is very important that there is no pressure in your action. There is no need to direct the flow of energy at a person, clench fists, etc. etc. - the exercise should be done very lightly, weightlessly. Therefore, it is the hail “Hey!” That is used, and not the strong-willed order “Look around!”. The easier the exercise is, the better the result. If you can get a person to look around, you definitely have magical abilities.
There are a lot of different ways to test magical abilities. But remember that when using them, the medical principle "Do no harm" must be strictly observed. Don't do anything that might harm the people around you.