How To Become A Magician In Real Life

How To Become A Magician In Real Life
How To Become A Magician In Real Life

Recently, in movies, books on television, the topic of magic has become very popular. Interest in witchcraft and mysticism is growing day by day. The dream of becoming a wizard has captured the minds of many people. But how realistic is it and what needs to be done to become a real magician in real life, and what price will you have to pay for these skills?

How to become a magician in real life
How to become a magician in real life

Who are magicians

A magician is a person who possesses supernatural powers and knows how to skillfully interact with the world around him. However, it is only in films and books for teenagers that wizards do not suffer for possessing magical abilities. In life, unfortunately, you have to pay for everything, and sometimes even an incredibly high price for the ability to conjure, so it is worth thinking a thousand times before embarking on this difficult path.

Almost everyone can become a magician in real life. The main condition is the presence of desire and faith. Comprehension of magic is hard everyday work that requires complete dedication from a person and the absence of fear. You cannot become a magician in one month. You have to work for a long time before the first visible results appear.

If you are ready for trials and difficulties and want to put your whole life on the altar of magical knowledge, then the first thing you need is to find a good mentor who wants to share his skills with you.

You cannot start practicing magic:

  • out of simple curiosity;
  • from scientific curiosity, with the aim of its subsequent exposure;
  • from boredom and despair.

You need strong personal motivation and determination to go this way to the end, otherwise you will not expect success.


How to find a good teacher

It seems that it could be simpler: he opened a special newspaper and went on an ad to some "hereditary healer in the fifteenth generation, who possesses ancient knowledge and is able to damage the whole family, as well as transfer his innermost knowledge to anyone who wants it for a moderate fee in a short time. ". But in reality, everything is not so simple - the overwhelming majority of fraudsters in this business, and real magicians who are able to convey their knowledge, never advertise in the newspaper.

A real magician is looking for a student in a completely different way, understandable only to him alone. And if you firmly decide to take the path of knowledge of magic, then your teacher will find you himself. How this will happen and where it will happen is unknown. To get a strong mentor, you need to attract the attention of mystical forces, and this is an extremely risky business.


How to attract the attention of magical forces

Start thinking about magic and sorcery all the time. You should have only one most cherished desire - to become a real magician.

Practice meditation and spend more time in nature. All your thoughts should be focused on eternity, the infinity of the universe and the deep essence of things.

You will need to completely abandon bad habits - a real magician simply cannot be an addicted person. Magic loves fearless and strong people, weaklings have nothing to do here.

You must completely rid your life of unnecessary fuss and attachments, then magical forces will pay attention to you, and you will certainly meet a strong mentor.
