What qualities does a born witch have? Who is a witch? Where to start and what you need to know to become a real witch?

Who is this witch? A witch, contrary to popular belief and understanding, is not at all an evil harmful sorceress who sends pestilence, damage, all sorts of adversity and illness to unwanted ones. According to one version, the word "witch" means "knowing mother". So the image of an angry old woman is not true. Who really is the witch?
First of all, a born witch possesses knowledge. And not just owns, but constantly improves, replenishes, develops this knowledge. That is, it is not easy: I bought a book of some supposedly Siberian healer and you conjure right and left. No, before you start practicing, you need to study yourself. It is necessary to accumulate, process, systematize a huge amount of information, which mostly concerns self-knowledge and work on improving one's own spirituality. The danger lies in the fact that having begun to cognize oneself, acquire knowledge, a person can completely, radically change. A woman may suddenly realize that a career that once seemed so infinitely important and desirable, it turns out, does not need her at all, for example. The system of values, attitude towards oneself and the surrounding world is changing. The food system and the lifestyle in general can change.
Simple rules for an aspiring witch. The most important moment for a woman who decided to take the path of a witch is acquaintance with the lunar cycles, their in-depth study. You also need to monitor your own monthly cycle. It is important to compare these cycles, natural and personal, to analyze your well-being, both physical and mental, in different periods and phases of the moon. Hence follows the need to harmonize one's condition, to learn self-control, introspection. And all this is in conjunction with the lunar cycle.
Also, an important factor on which the success of any woman in various fields of activity largely depends is taking care of her appearance. A real witch will never allow herself to be ugly. Clean hair, skin, body, well-groomed hands, neat clothes, a pleasant unobtrusive scent are the key to a woman's success at all times.
At the same time, one should not forget that even the most well-groomed woman cannot be considered beautiful without inner beauty, inner radiance, without warmth. A toned body and beautiful facial features do not make a girl a beauty. Only inner strength, radiance from within, light of the soul and a light sincere smile addressed to people, to life, make a woman beautiful. …
It should be taken into account that this rule is the most important, key, without the strict implementation of which it will not be possible to become a real witch. In order to learn to be happy, live in harmony with yourself, trust the Universe and receive with gratitude what is needed here and now, no special abilities, money, and so on are required. Enough desire and patience. Desires to create. Because to be a witch means to create yourself, your life, as your heart and conscience dictate.
Where to start the path of a witch? start a notebook. You can arrange the cover as the soul asks. Bring two pens to the notebook: for example, a red and a blue one. Print and paste the standard gynecological menstrual calendar in your notebook. Also print and paste the lunar calendar for the next month into the notebook. Take some time in the morning and evening to take notes. If possible, then for this lesson you can come up with a special ritual: light a candle of any color of your choice, aromatize the room, in general, whatever, if you want to create an atmosphere. Be sure to write the date of the recording. This will make it possible to evaluate the results in the future. Describe your state of health, mood. In the morning you can talk about your plans for the day, in the evening - take stock. Indicate the lunar day, moon phase, and the day of your menstrual cycle.
For a witch, it is relevant, which many find boring. Nevertheless, if you decide to take the path of a witch, you will have to reconsider your habits (perhaps you will need to give up some), diet, and so on. The witch is prohibited from anything that can cloud the mind: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, overeating, antidepressants and more. Write down everything you eat and drink during the day. Describe how you feel about eating (satiety, pleasure, pain, discomfort, etc.). Write, the help of which doctors and for what reason you needed and how often lately.
More often: in the forest, in the field, in the mountains. If possible, do this at least once a week. It is very useful to visit water bodies: the sea, a lake, a river, a pond - anything to sit on the shore, contemplating or contemplating. Learn to clear your mind of thoughts, relax.
At home. Forbid yourself to use foul language and complain (about life, about the weather, about the mother-in-law, about the absence of the mother-in-law, about the husband, about the absence of the husband, etc.) It will take some time to learn all of the above. Plan a date when you can identify yourself as a witch. For example, after 12 months. Think carefully, decide on a place where you will spend it. And be sure to take notes. If by the specified date you feel not ready, it does not matter, continue to know yourself by moving the date to a more convenient time.
The question of religion. Any woman can become a witch, regardless of religion. Most likely, over time, dual faith will come, and later a return to the origins (paganism). This scenario is expected, but not required.
So it becomes clear that being a witch does not at all mean wearing black robes, flying on a broomstick, pulling on a pointed hat with a wide brim. Being a witch is an art, knowledge, willpower and constant work on yourself, on your ego, your vices.