To feel like a fantasy hero, you don't have to try on carnival costumes and do awesome makeup. All you have to do is install The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack and enjoy the virtual adventures of your Sims.

You can create a magical character yourself by choosing a suitable image in the creation mode: a vampire, a werewolf, a witch or a genie. Each category has its own privileges and disadvantages.
A vampire. Just like in the movie "Twilight", your character will be easily recognized by the unusual color of the iris of the eyes. The skin becomes pale, and when talking, fangs may accidentally appear. A vampire sim has a sort of tattoo on its neck that looks like a vampire tooth mark.
Walking in sunny weather, a vampire can get burns, since the sun is destructive for such a character. The best time for walking is the full moon. The Vampire Energy icon immediately appears on the mood icon.

The vampire is known to feed on blood. But you can choose whether your character will be a monster (drink the blood of other characters) or a vegetarian (drink blood from special bags or grow "bloody" fruits).
Witch. After becoming a witch, your character must periodically increase his level (the "practice magic" button). With each new level of mastery, you will be able to cast various spells or curses.
The magic tool for the witch is a magic wand. However, if you earn enough Happiness Points, you can purchase Magnetic Hands as a reward and practice magic with your hands.
You can bewitch someone with a love spell, or turn an annoying neighbor into a toad, for example. You can choose the appropriate magic by pressing the "cast spell" / "cast a spell" button while interacting with another character and choosing the necessary one.
But beware: bad deeds end in failure. Using black magic indiscriminately, you risk turning into a feisty creature with a hooked nose and green skin.
Genie. Forget your cooking skills, because the genie can make goodies out of thin air! To do this, you need to click on the character, then on the "demand food" button and select the appropriate dish.
Another positive quality is cleanliness. By clicking on the "magically wash your character" button, you can tidy up both the genie himself and his family members without using a shower or bath.
Werewolf. The character will have two forms at once, which you can edit immediately in the character creation menu. The transformation into a werewolf will occur on a full moon.

Werewolf advantages: fast movement, strength (success in any fight is guaranteed to you). Disadvantages: With insufficient hygiene, fleas can appear, like any animal.
Since in the game up to 8 people can live in one family, try to play all the magical characters at once or create a single clan. Interest and good experiences are guaranteed.