For many people, the New Year is one of their favorite holidays, because it is on December 31 that all family members gather at the table. But such a unifying evening is difficult to spend eating salads and a glass of champagne. You need to entertain yourself and your guests.

Step 1
In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to prepare for it. Come up with a number of contests, congratulations, songs and games. If there is snow outside the window, then after the president's congratulations, you can go to the competition for making snow figures. The guests should split into two teams and start sculpting Bigfoot. Moreover, this is not just a snow woman, but a woman or a man with a human figure, face. For realism, you can dress the sculpture in men's or women's clothing. The winner in the competition is the team whose snow man or woman are similar to a person or the one that will complete the task faster.
Step 2
The winter song competition is no less attractive. In a hat or hat there are small notes with words on a winter theme (icicle, snowy, blizzard, winter). The meaning of the competition is to perform a song that contains a word from a note. The guests take turns taking pieces of paper from their hats and completing the task.
Step 3
The New Year contest "Dress up the Christmas tree" is also interesting. This competition will require several clubs of ribbons, garlands and tinsel, depending on the number of players. The objects for the outfit will be women who will hold one end of the jewelry in their hand. And men with their hands tied with the help of their lips will decorate their "Christmas tree". The winner is the couple who quickly and efficiently cope with the task.
Step 4
The point of the next competition is to prevent the participants from laughing. The task is called "Smeshinka". Five participants must take a certain word from the ones suggested by the presenter (candy, Christmas tree, snowflake, Snow Maiden) and remember it. The driver asks each player a question, for example, what is your name? Winter, etc. You always need to answer the asked question with your own word, which, depending on the sentence, can be declined. The one who is the first to laugh is eliminated from the competition.