Somehow it is customary that children at the matinee in the garden not only be smart, but put on a suit. How many fairies, princesses, bunnies, pirates, musketeers are in your group? Why don't you make a hen-hen costume for your daughter? Nobody will have such a suit, but it looks very cute.

It is necessary
Fleece, lace, scarf, boa, silk, red cardboard or paints, balloons, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam chips
Step 1
Take your daughter's blouse with long sleeves. Choose the color of the blouse yourself - yellow, white or orange. If there is no suitable item of clothing, then it is not difficult to sew it. Baste a wide scalloped braid to the neckline, and trim the edges with a bias tape. Sew several tiers of fluffy ruffles to the bottom of the sleeve (from the elbow to the cuff) and to the hem. If you have funds, then buy a down ribbon or boa and sew along the edge of the braid, as well as along the bottom of the blouse and sleeves.
Step 2
The bottom of such a suit can be of two options - a skirt or shorts. Take fabric to match the main color or ruffles (if it's a skirt). The skirt should be wide, preferably multiple layers. Layers are made so that the top layer is 1-2 cm shorter than the previous one, i.e. so that the lower layers "look out". Looks more beautiful if the main color of the skirt matches the main color of the top of the suit, and the color of the multilayer "petticoat" matches the color of the ruffles. Buy or sew shorts / breeches / pants. Insert elastic at the bottom edge so that it forms a frill. Sew several tiers of lush ruffles along the bottom of the panties, like on a blouse.
Step 3
Prepare your fabric. It is best to use a yellow, white or orange fleece, as the edges of the fleece will not crumble. Cut a circle out of the prepared piece of fabric. The diameter of the circle should be equal to the distance from the wrist to the wrist of the girl for whom you are sewing the costume. Cut out the neck in the middle. You've made a great poncho. Make the edges of the poncho scalloped or scalloped. Or cut, like feathers. The fleece does not peel off, so you don't have to tuck the edges. Sew the "wings" of the poncho 5-10 cm from the edge. Insert elastic at the edges of the sleeves and along the hem to create ruffles.
Step 4
Breastfeeding can be done in two ways. Either cut a circle of a smaller diameter from fleece of a different color and stitch it to a large one, or make it like a "bib" with scalloped edges. Sew a skirt or shorts out of fleece. Make the edges of the garment scalloped or cut, like feathers, depending on which edges the poncho has.
Step 5
For a hat, sew two semicircles, sew a red comb into the seam, and sew a yellow beak in front. Sew red earrings from the same material as the comb on the sides of the hat. To make the cap fit tighter, sew in a wide elastic band around the edge.
Step 6
Since the hen is a brood hen, it should have eggs (two eggs are enough). Cut four irregular ovals out of white or beige fabric. But to stuff, sew them, leaving a hole for stuffing. But you can fill them with anything - cotton wool, padding polyester, foam crumbs, or just insert balloons there. It is better to attach the eggs to the suit with a ribbon, but so that the child can untie them if necessary.