The water park is a favorite place for families to relax. Steep slides give an unforgettable experience of children's fun, and the proximity to the water is soothing. Plunging into the atmosphere of relaxation and comfort, do not forget about the rules of conduct in water parks.

As you know, whoever is aware is armed. Going to a particular water park, read reviews, ask the dispatcher how often the water in the pools changes, is there a medic, etc. Sometimes swimming in a regular body of water can be much safer.
Many employees of water parks generally forget to require appropriate health certificates from visitors. But in vain. Without observing the basic rules of hygiene, you can catch any diseases: nail fungus or herpes zoster.
In order to prevent fungal infections or injuries from a fall, be sure to take rubber slippers with non-slip soles to the water park. Children are advised to purchase special galoshes for bathing with clamps, because ordinary slippers easily fly off the child's wet feet.
Since caps are not pedagogical in water parks, it is better to braid long hair in a tight bun so that it does not get in the way and does not cling to when swimming or rolling down slides. When visiting the sauna, lay individual towels on the seats to avoid genital infections (candidiasis, chlamydia, etc.). Such mats should not be used for wiping the body; take two or three towels with you in advance for different purposes.
If you are going to slide down the hill, check the age restrictions. In order not to injure your back from the fastening joints, choose swimsuits without metal elements. At the start, take the position of a "soldier" - hands at the seams, legs together, head pressed to the surface as much as possible.
Attention: do not leave children unattended, even if the child knows how to swim or there are instructors nearby! Read the relevant literature and be ready to provide first aid in various situations, both to your loved ones and to others in need.