Amaryllis is an amazing plant with large inflorescences and a pleasant aroma. The flower fully justifies its name, which in translation from Greek means "beauty". Before buying a plant, you should carefully read the recommendations for the care and maintenance of amaryllis. A competent approach in this matter will allow you to extend the life of a flower for a long time.

Watering amaryllis
The flower requires periodic moistening of the soil. Noticing the appearance of an arrow from the root bulb, you can start watering. The water settles for 3-7 days at room temperature. Mineral additives, which are pre-diluted in water, contribute to the healthy development of the amaryllis vegetation system.
Excessive moisture can lead to decay of the roots and further death of the flower. Therefore, watering is carried out when the upper layers of the soil are completely dry. It is strongly not recommended to spray only the inflorescences that have appeared. From such procedures, the petals will be covered with dark spots.
Reproduction of amaryllis
Typically, the flower is propagated by transplanting bulbs. At the same time, amaryllis begins to actively develop and bloom. Small bulbs are transplanted into the prepared substrate to a depth of 5-7 cm and covered with a layer of earth on top.
You can also propagate the plant by seed. In this case, you should cross-pollinate in time with a soft brush. After five weeks, the first seeds will appear, which are dried or planted in a separate pot. The first green shoots appear after three weeks.
Care during illness
If you notice brown spots on the leaves, deformation of the bulb, prolonged absence of flowering, then the amaryllis is sick. Urgent measures should be taken to eliminate the destructive symptoms. The most effective methods are the removal of the affected parts of the plant and treatment with specialized solutions. Ailments such as stagnosporosis (reddening of the bulbs), anthractosis (yellowing of the leaves) and fusarium (rotting of the bulb) are treated by spraying with liquids containing malophos.
Amaryllis at rest
In mid-November, all the internal forces of the plant are directed to preparation for winter rest. The number of watering and additional fertilizing with fertilizers is gradually reduced. Next, you should cut the stem by 5 cm and remove the pot in a dark place. Direct sunlight can cause significant damage to the flower. The room temperature should be no more than +6 degrees. Water amaryllis at rest 2 times a month and in the spring you will again see inflorescences of amazing beauty.