How To Make A Double Iron Door In Minecraft

How To Make A Double Iron Door In Minecraft
How To Make A Double Iron Door In Minecraft

The door in Minecraft is the simplest mechanism that allows you to protect your home from unwanted guests. An iron door is much stronger than a wooden door, and besides, it cannot be opened manually.

Features of iron doors in the game

Iron doors can only be opened with a redstone signal (game analogue of electricity), for this you can use levers, buttons, tension sensors or pressure plates.

Iron doors can be placed on any full and opaque blocks, while they are always installed facing the player, so to install the door in the prepared opening, you need to be outside of it. To destroy the door, it is enough to break the block on which it stands. Water and lava cannot pass through open doors, and neither iron nor wooden doors can burn.

A single installed door is always on the left, that is, the hinges and handle are on the right. To make double doors, it is enough to put a second of the same type next to an already installed door.

Resources required

To create a double iron door, you need iron ingots. They can be obtained from iron ore, it is a common resource that can be found below level 64. Iron ore is mined using stone, iron, gold and diamond pickaxes, wooden tools are useless in this case. The easiest way to find iron ore is in the nearest cave, most often the veins of this resource are located next to coal ore. You only need 12 iron ore blocks to create two iron doors.

To get ingots from ore, it must be smelted in a furnace. The stove can be made on a workbench by filling all the cells with cobblestones, except for the central one. To start smelting ore, open the furnace interface, place fuel (a bucket of lava, coal, wood) in the lower cell, and ore in the upper cell. Wait until all the iron is melted, it will take several tens of seconds.

After receiving the iron ingots, open the workbench. Fill the middle and any extreme verticals with iron ingots. Place two ingots in each cell of these verticals. After that, make two levers or two buttons. To make a button, place one plank or one iron ingot in the center slot of the workbench. To make a lever, place a stick in the center slot, and a cobblestone below it.

Place the doors on the quick access panel, keep in mind that the doors cannot be stacked or stacked, that is, each of them will need its own cell. Select the doors one by one on the quick access panel and install them in the desired location. On the surface next to each door, place a lever or button. In order for both doors to open on a signal from one button or lever, you need to combine them with a redstone signal.
