Every angler should be able to properly tie the hook so that the knot from the fishing line does not untie when wet, and the line does not break under load. There are many different nodes. Consider the simplest.

Step 1
Take a piece of fishing line, fold it in the simplest loop and place it on the shank of the hook so that the loop looks towards the underwear. Press the forend and the line, which is folded in half, with the fingers of your left hand. With your right hand, take the short end from the line and wrap the line with the forend 2 - 3 times.
Step 2
With your right hand, grab the turns of the winding, make three more turns with the end of the line. Hold the turns, thread the free end of the line through the loop and pull on the main line. In this way, the hook will be firmly tied, and its fore-end will be a continuation of the line, and this is very important when hitting.
Step 3
To tie hooks larger than the fifth number, you need to make a ball on the fishing line. To do this, heat the fishing line over a spirit lamp so that it melts and turns out at the end of a ball - a droplet. Then put the fishing line on the forend of the hook, with the resulting ball to the underwear and wrap it with silk thread (obtained from a nylon cord).
Step 4
Attach this winding to the fore-end with all-purpose adhesive. If you want the end of the fishing line to not have a thickening of the end of the line with such a binding, process it with a file or knife where the winding turned out.
If you come across a hook, and a spatula on the forend, and not a ring, then do not be embarrassed. These hooks attach to the line in the same way. But in order to prevent the fishing line from cutting the side edges of the scapula, first tie 2-3 turns of sewing thread under the spatula.
Step 5
If you want to make a simple eight knot, make a simple knot at the end of the line and pass the end of the line through it one more time. Then unfold the loop so that you get a figure eight and insert the forend of the hook into it, tighten the knot at the ends. To make an eight-fold double knot, pass the end of the line through the loop twice. Wrap the forend of the hook with a twist and tighten the ends.