Don't be intimidated by the word "picture". In order to create a charming and original piece of plasticine, you do not need to be an artist at all. Moreover, having mastered pictures from plasticine, you can easily switch to more complex materials - dough, plaster, clay.

It is necessary
Plasticine, plywood or kitchen wood board, stack or table knife, medical syringe without a needle
Step 1
Decide on the theme of your future work and find the appropriate drawing. If you are making a picture from plasticine with your child, then it is better to choose a picture depicting characters from fairy tales and cartoons. It will be easier for the kid to work in a familiar way. When doing this, pay attention to the number of small details. For children's work, there should be few of them. If making a picture from plasticine is your own creative impulse, then the theme of the original drawing is limited only by your imagination. And patience, of course.
Children's coloring pages are great as a basis. Moreover, you can find both simple images and complex ones in them. Naturally, do not forget about the endless expanses of the Internet in your search for a theme for a picture.
Step 2
Stick the found drawing on the plywood. Plywood can be replaced by a wooden kitchen board for cutting products. Or you can take a piece of glass, put the base drawing under it, and apply the plasticine on top. This will make your work more graceful.
Step 3
Place the plasticine in hot water. This is necessary for it to become soft and pliable. You can also use a warm battery to warm up.
Mash the heated plasticine in your hands and apply to the drawing, adhering to the contours. To make smooth edges, use a stack. This is a plastic knife. As a rule, it is in every set of plasticine. If there is no stack, then you can use a table knife or wooden kitchen spatulas. Never use sharp objects as a stack. This can cut the base paper and your painting will fall to pieces.
Step 4
For the manufacture of thin and even parts (hair, grass, sun rays), use a medical syringe without a needle. To do this, place the well-heated and mashed plasticine into the syringe and squeeze it into the right places.
That's it. And even if your first painting does not become a masterpiece, remember: you can get pleasure not only from the result, but also from the process.