How To Make Paintings From Colored Sand In A Bottle

How To Make Paintings From Colored Sand In A Bottle
How To Make Paintings From Colored Sand In A Bottle

It is not at all necessary to carry heavy and fragile travel souvenirs if they can be made quite easily at home. For example, it is very inconvenient to transport pictures made of colored sand in glass bottles, and to make it is very easy.

How to make paintings from colored sand in a bottle
How to make paintings from colored sand in a bottle

What and how to cook for work

You should take care of the material for creating a souvenir in advance. If there is an opportunity to purchase colored sand, it is better to take as many different colors and shades as possible, they will be needed to create a colorful picture. If there is nowhere to buy ready-made sand, you can make it yourself. For these purposes, the most common river sand is also suitable, but it must be thoroughly washed and filtered so that there is no dirt and foreign inclusions.

The sand must be scattered into empty jars, filling them by a third. In a separate glass, thinly dilute the gouache paint of the desired shade and pour into the jar. The same is done with the rest of the sand, "colored water" of a different shade is poured into each jar. The material must be allowed to soak with paint for some time, after which the sand must be thoroughly dried.

To create more original shades, such as pearlescent, gold and silver, you need a different painting method. Each portion of sand is laid out on newspaper or other unnecessary paper, sprayed with an art spray of the desired shade and allowed to dry. Until the sand is completely dry, it is advisable to mix it so that the grains of sand do not stick together. For brighter colors and shades, you can also use ink for a color printer.

If it is difficult to get clean river sand in winter, you can take ordinary semolina instead. To give color to this material, you need to crush pastel sticks or a colored pencil lead along with the semolina and mix well so that the cereal is better painted over. This is done with all portions of the semolina, you just need to change the color of the pastel or pencil.

How to create colored sand paintings

When the material is ready, you need to find a transparent glass bottle with an interesting shape. To create a beautiful picture, it is advisable to pre-practice with laying out the sand in colored waves, this will help develop the necessary dexterity and sleight of hand.

The material is poured into the bottle through a special funnel with a long neck, the shape and thickness of each color strip can be adjusted using a thin long stick, for example, a stiff wire. It also compresses the sand. You can use drink straws to add sand of the desired color to the inside of an existing layer.

When the picture is ready, handle the bottle with care; shaking the picture may disintegrate. The jar is corked with a piece of fabric of the desired color tied into a knot; the material must first be moistened with glue. Instead of fabric, you can take a regular cork of the desired size, the neck is tied with a ribbon for beauty.
