Why You Can't Wash Floors In The Evening

Why You Can't Wash Floors In The Evening
Why You Can't Wash Floors In The Evening

In Russia, paganism is still alive: the number of folk signs and superstitions is simply enormous. Each case has its own traditions that must be followed in order not to incur trouble. For example, you cannot wash the floors in the house in the evening and at night. At first glance, this superstition seems absurd: well, what connection can there be between cleaning and the time of day, however, our ancestors were wise and far-sighted.

Why you can't wash floors in the evening
Why you can't wash floors in the evening

Why you can't wash floors in the evening and at night: the mystical version

It is known that it is during the dark hours of the day that the evil spirits gain energy and become more active. A person in the dark becomes defenseless. He is susceptible to negative influences. It is very easy to spoil anything that is taken out of the house. That is why it was believed that it was impossible to take out the trash and clean up at night. It just so happened that sweeping the garbage at night will lead to the loss of peace, prosperity and happiness in the house.

In addition to the mystical version, there is a completely motivated explanation why it is impossible to wash floors in the evening and at night. Previously, the huts did not have the conveniences to which modern people are accustomed, so the hostesses were forced to constantly adapt to the season and weather conditions. The stoves were not heated at night. It turns out that the hut heated during the day cooled down during the night, and traditionally in the mornings it was very cold and humid in the houses. Of course, if you wash the floors in the hut in the evening in the Russian winter, then they simply will not have time to dry and in the morning it will be cold and humid in the house, which is not very pleasant.

Why you can't wash floors in the evening and at night: modern reasons

Most modern household chemicals are not poisonous, but they are not particularly beneficial for the body either, so it is advisable to ventilate the room for several hours after wet cleaning. If you wash the floors in the evening or at night, you will not be able to fully ventilate the rooms.

Some houses have high humidity, so it is best to wash the floors in them with open windows, otherwise the room may become damp and cool in the morning.
