If in your dream you saw washing floors, most likely such a dream draws attention to your real personal life, habits and position in behavior.

Hint or sign
Washing floors in a dream is a multi-valued symbol that depends on your behavior and influence on other people, desire and readiness for real changes in your life. These dreams have two opposite sides: positive and negative. There should be no negative emotions in positive dreams. On the contrary, negative aspects can lead to losses and discomfort in real life.
A clean, even and beautiful floor in a dream draws your attention to the comfort and order in life. Washing a sinking, crooked floor will bring you trouble, loss, and setback.
In a dream, I dreamed about a dirty floor, and you wash it - this is a sign that success and changes await you in life, but washing an already clean floor portends trouble and separation.
Washing floors in a dream, which does not bother you and does not take much time, predicts an imminent reception of guests. If you wash the floor with dirty water, and after that it still remains clean - these are favorable conditions for a person's real life, bright events and pleasant changes will occur.
Washing the floors not in your own house, but in an unfamiliar room or someone else's house, can mean that changes in business will go for the better. Most likely, the people around you consider you a good and faithful friend, on whom all hope, who always has a desire to come to the aid of another. In addition, such a dream can bring a new round in professional activity, since colleagues and bosses consider you a responsible and irreplaceable employee.
If in a dream you find that the floors are being washed at home, this may mean that the envious person wants to take advantage of the benefits intended for you, use zeal and talent to their advantage.
What does a dream portend?
A dream about washing floors foreshadows the imminent appearance of new relationships and comfort in your intra-family relationships, in which there is not enough coziness and warmth. Expect new feelings of trust and closeness to come between you and your partner.
Washing floors in a dream may dream of a deceased person if one of your relatives is seriously ill or has been in the hospital for a long time.
The attitude of people to dreams should be positive - this is what the interpreters of dreams believe. The washing process, in their opinion, is a cleaning process, you can probably put things in order in your head and life with the help of other people's advice and tips. This cleansing will help your thoughts and deeds. The level and type of life does not depend on dreams, but on the person himself, his desires, attentiveness and activity.