How To Cast Additional Loops

How To Cast Additional Loops
How To Cast Additional Loops

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Adding loops in knitting is required quite often - every time you need to increase the size of the knitted fabric. This concept is found both when knitting and crocheting.

Very often, faced with such a need, knitters add loops purely intuitively, but such a decision may well ruin the appearance of your work. So isn't it better to know for sure how to properly add loops to your creation?

How to cast additional loops
How to cast additional loops


Step 1

So, if you knit with knitting needles, and you need to add loops, remember: loops must be added symmetrically from each knitting edge in one row (front), the next row (purl) is knitted according to the pattern. The exceptions are details where you need to add loops on one side, that is, one side of the canvas should be different from the other, but this is extremely rare and will definitely be indicated in the description of the model.

Step 2

It is better to add loops through one, until you add the required number of loops.

Now directly about the method of adding. There are two most popular options: using crossed yarns, or by knitting additional loops. To knit an additional loop, first knit the front loop, then, without removing it from the left knitting needle, put the resulting loop on the left knitting needle and continue knitting. Repeat the sequence until you have added the desired number of loops.

Step 3

When crocheting, knit 2-5 stitches in the first loop of the bottom row (depending on need). If you need to add loops at the end of the row - knit the number of loops of the air chain you need, when you start knitting in the opposite direction - put a pattern on the air loops.
